
Annular SolarEclipse The residents of the IUCAA campus enjoyed the moments of the Annular Solar Eclipse on June 21, 2020, and also the online showput together collaboratively by IUCAASciPOPand theASI-POEC. The webcast probably had the largest single reach by any of IUCAAoutreach events with more than 2 lakhs views on the video, as reported byYouTube, and close to 4,600 people watching at the same time during the peak of the event. Experts from diverse sciences like Astronomy, Microbiology, Zoology, and Social Sciences contributed their time, and enjoyed this celebration of the eclipse with us live. At one point, the directors of three major astrophysics institutes were addressing the audience together - probably another first for an Indian online outreach event. No. 123 - July 2020 9