Khagol # 125 - Jan 2020 - Eng & Hindi

Khagol (the Celestial Sphere) is the quarterly bulletin of We welcome your feedback at the following address: IUCAA, Post Bag 4, Ganeshkhind, Pune 411 007, India. Phone : (020) 2569 1414; 2560 4100 Fax : (020) 2560 4699 email : Web page : | KHAG L | No. 125 - JANUARY 2021 | 12 On the occasion of the birth anniversary of Nobel Laureates Professor Marie Curie, and Sir C. V. Raman, a unique interview with the 2017 Nobel Laureate in Physics, Professor Rainer Weiss (Professor of Physics, Emeritus, MIT, USA) was organised on November 7, 2020, by LIEPO on their YouTube Channel. During the interview, Professor Weiss, who was theco- contributor to the LIGO detector and the observation of gravitational waves, spoke about his career as an experimentalist among other insights, and advised students to start working early on towards their goal. The interview was hosted by Ajith Parameswaran (ICTS, Bengaluru). A social media campaign was launched two weeks before the interview, highlighting the work, achievements, and also interesting trivia about Nobel Laureates, Professor Marie Curie, Sir C. V. Raman, and Professor Rainer Weiss. A series Interview given by Professor Rainer Weiss of these posts were sent out on LIGO-India's social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. An online quiz was conducted at the end of the campaign and thewinners had the opportunity to send their questions to Professor Weiss, some of which he answered during the interview. More than 8,200 viewers have seen the interview till date. This activity was coordinated byVaibhav Savant. LIEPO and Parbhani Astronomical Society jointly organised an online talk by Sanjeev Dhurandhar (IUCAA),on November 22, 2020, as part of the online lecture series: New Career Options ( ), initiated for regional students. He started his talk with the first direct detection of gravitational waves (GW) by LIGO, which marked the dawn of a new era of GWAstronomy. He elaborated on the need for students to establish a strong interest and foundation in STEM subjects to take advantage of the various opportunities that the next few years will present in GW Science as a result of this discovery. After the talk, he answered questions from participants. These were mostly in the regional language Marathi for the benefit of students in the region, who usually do not have access to such resources. The talk received wide publicity and was seen by more than 4,400 viewers till date. The activitywas coordinated byAnkit Bhandari. H {a`aÀ`m Zì`m dmQ m New Career Options October- December 2020 Pratik Dabhade, and Annu Jacob. Visitors January 2021 Vidushi Sharma, C/o IUCAA, Pune. February 2021 Dharam Vir Ahluwalia, International Centre for Cosmology, Charusat, Gujarat. LongTermVisitors Avinash Deshpande, Raman Research Institute, Bengaluru (Visiting Professor); Poshak Gandhi, University of Southampton, UK (Adjunct Faculty); David Hilditch, University of Lisbon, Portugal (Adjunct Faculty); Ashish Mahabal, Caltech, USA (Adjunct Faculty); Ninan Sajeeth Philip, Artificial Intelligence Research and Intelligence Systems, Thelliyoor, Kerala (Visiting Professor); andA. R. Rao, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai (Visiting Professor). Visitors (Expected)