Khagol # 124 - Oct 2020

| KHAG L | No. 124 - OCTOBER 2020 | 05 Preetish K. Mishra , who has joined IUCAA as a Post-doctoral Fellow in September 2020. He did his PhD degree in early 2020 from the National Centre for Radio Astrophysics (NCRA), Pune, of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR). He is an observational astronomer with research interest broadly lies in the area of galaxy evolution. More specifically, he is interested in understanding what gives the galaxies their present-day structure. He utilizes the data from large sky surveys to answer his curiosities. Currently, he is collaborating with colleagues in IUCAA to find a link between galaxy structure and their host dark matter halo by making use of weak gravitationallensing. Outside the researchwork, he likes to spend time cultivating his interests in cinema, regional music, andpoetry. Priyanka Rani , who has joined IUCAA as a Post doctoral Fellow in September 2020, after obtaining her doctorate degree from the Indian Institute for Astrophysics, Bengaluru. During her doctoral studies, she has studied the temporal and spectral characteristics of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) using X-ray data. She specifically has analyzed the NuSTAR data to explore the variable nature of AGNand their coronal properties in the X-ray bands using spectral and timing studies.At present, she isworking onmulti-wavelength analysis ofAGNusing data fromAstroSat. Eshita Banerjee, Rajendra Prasad Bhatt, Sayak Dutta, Biswanath Malaker, Manish, Soumil Maulick, Pushpak Pandey, and SwarnimSunil Shirke, who have joined IUCAAas Research Scholars. Congratulations to . . . Sanjeev Dhurandhar, on being elected a Fellow of the American Physical Society, for foundational contributions to the theoretical underpinnings of gravitational wave detection, especially in data analysis techniques, and for the development of India's gravitational wave community leading to LIGO– India. Farewell to . . . Niladri Paul and Yasa ShivaRamaKrishnaReddy (Research Scholars) have left IUCAAto take up newassignments. T.R. Saravanan and AshishMhaske have resigned as Postdoctoral fellows.