
Debarati Chatterjee completed her Doctoral degree in Theoretical Astrophysics from Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata in 2010. Her doctoral research focussed on compact stellar remnants, particularly Neutron Stars, and the signature of its internal composition on various astrophysical observations and emission of Gravitational Waves. Upon receiving the prestigious Alexander von Humboldt fellowship, she went on to carry out postdoctoral research at the University of Heidelberg, Germany. There she worked on constraining theories of dense matter using information from observations of neutron stars and heavy ion collision experiments. Upon completion, she was invited to carry out research for a couple of years at the Paris Observatory inMeudon, France. Her researchwork there involved construction of consistent global numerical models of magnetars (strongly magnetized neutron stars). From 2015 until 2018 she was offered the position of CNRS (French National Science Research Centre) Researcher at the Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire in Caen, France. Here she developed a consistent model-independent formalism to describe the crust-core interface of neutron stars. Following a short Humboldt Renewed Research stay project at the University of Frankfurt in Germany, she joined IUCAA as a faculty member (Associate Professor), and is particularly involved with the planned LIGO-Indiamission. Contd. from page 1 Welcome ... One more addition to IUCAA Core faculty ... Avyarthana Ghosh for receiving the K. D. Abhyankar Best Thesis Presentation Award, by theAstronomical Society of India for the year 2020 during the 38th annual meeting held at IISER-Tirupati. Congratulations ... National Science Day Celebrations - 2020 Taking the advantage of the leap year 2020, IUCAAextended the celebration of the National Science Day that happened on February 28 - 29. The two-day celebrations attracted numerous groups of students along with teachers, parents and public, who came from around Pune and other parts of Maharashtra. Like every year, IUCAA observed the enthusiasm of people to associate better with Science and Scientists. Following are the details of the exhibits and interactive programmes conducted over the course of two days. One of the main attractions of the National Science Day 2020 celebrations was ‘AHunt for Multi-wavelength Messengers’ in Astronomy. The whole campus of IUCAA including Science Park and the area near Chandrasekhar Auditorium was covered by the theme based exhibits covering astronomical observations at different wavelengths. The theme included the famous scale-models of different Astronomy and Astrophysics projects of public interest like, LIGO-India, Thirty Metre Telescope, Aditya L1, and AstroSat. Number of spectacular posters designed and presented enthusiastically by research scholars of IUCAA were displayed, whichmade the people aware of the on-going research and new developments in the subject. Apart from these, the Foucault pendulum, the statues of great scientists on the campus, short interactive sessions on Black Hole Imaging, demonstrations of Laser Interferometry and Gravitational Waves, Radio Astronomy and interactive sessions on Chandrayaan II with wonderful animations pulled a large number of people. Short talks on Cosmology, Gravitational Waves, Next Generation Radio Astronomy, and Understanding the Universe through Large Optical Telescopes were delivered by Swagat Mishra and Sujatha Ramakrishnan, Sayantani Bera, Pratik Dabhade and Ashish Mhaske, and Siddharth Maharana, respectively, which kept the audience rooted in the Chandrasekhar Auditorium during the morning session. These sessions were coordinated by Sujatha Ramakrishnan and Swagat Mishra. No. 122 - April 2020 3