36th Annual Report (2023-24)

183 Workshop/Schoolorganised NationalWorkshop (Activities from 01 November 2023 to 31 March 2024) A five-day workshop on Gravitational Waves and LIGO India was held from 27 November to 01 December 2023 at Goa University. The workshop gave the participants an understanding of gravitational wave Workshop on Gravitational waves and LIGOIndia Coordinator: Dr. Reshma Raut Dessai ICARD - School of Physical and Applied Sciences Goa University, Goa (Activities from 01 April 2023 to 31 March 2024) 16. T. Tangphati, C.R. Muniz, A. Pradhan, A. Banerjee, Traversable wormholes in Rastall-Rainbow gravity, Physics of the Dark Universe, 42, (2023) 101364 17. D . C . M a u r y a , C o n s t r a i n e d $\Lambda$CDM dark energy models in higher derivative $f(R, L_m)$-gravity theory, Phys. Dark Uni., 42 (2023) 101373 18. P . Bha r , A . E r r ehymy , S . Ray , Constraining physical parameters of DESs via the secondary component of the GW190814 event and other self- bound NS pulsars in f(Q)-gravity theory, Eur. Phys. J. C, 83 (2023) 1151 19. S.K. Maurya, K.N. Singh, A. Aziz, S. Ray, G. Mustafa, Compact stars with dark ma t t e r i nduc ed an i s o t r op y i n complexity-free background and effect of dark matter on GW echoes, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 527 (2024) 5192–5205 20. J.M.Z. Pretel, T. Tangphati, A. Banerjee, A. Pradhan, Effects of anisotropic pressure on interacting quark star structure, Physics Letters B, 848, (2024) 138375 21. D.C. Maurya, J. Singh, Modified f(Q)- gravity string cosmological models with observational constraints, Astronomy andComputing, 46 (2024) 100789 22. J. Bhadra, U. Debnath, A. Pradhan, A m e n d e d F R W u n i v e r s e : thermodynamics and heat engine, Eur. Phys. J. C, 84, (2024) 131 23. A. Singh, Qualitative study of anisotropic cosmologies with inhomogeneous equation of state, Chinese J. Phys., 88, (2024) 865-878 24. A. Singh, Lyra cosmologies with the dynamical system perspective, Phys. Scr., 99, (2024) 045011 25. G. Mustafa, F. Javed, S.K. Maurya, S. Ray, Possibility of stable thin-shell around wormholes within string cloud and quintessential field via the van der Waals and polytropic EOS, Chinese Journal of Physics}, 88, (2024) 32-54 1. A popular talk entitled “ Expanding universe: cosmic time and cosmic redshift ” by Dr Dinesh Chandra Maurya (Centre for Cosmology, Astrophysics and Space Science, GLA University, Mathura) was organised for students Outreach programme, including public lecture/sky-watch and faculties on 30September 2023. 2. A popular talk entitled “ Black hole vs black hole shadow ” by Dr Dharm VDr Singh (Department of Physics, GLA University, Mathura) was organised for students and faculties on 04 November 2023. 3. A popular talk entitled “ Scientific Legacy of Stephen Hawking ” by Dr Shobhit Sachan (Department of Physics, GLA University, Mathura) was organised for students and faculties on 01 December 2023. 4. A popular talk entitled “ Celestial Object Classification in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey using Machine Learning A l go r i t hms ” by P r o f . Sy ama l a Krishnannair (University of Zululand, South Africa) was organised for students and faculties on 16 January 2024. 5. A sky-watching event was organised for students and faculties on 17 February 2024 in the evening.department interacted with the students by illustrating on the naked eye planets. physics and data analysis techniques, equipping them with the skills to u n d e r s t a n d a n d e x p l o r e t h e s e groundbreaking discoveries. The workshop comprised the theory of gravitational wave physics, which includes general relativity, source modelling, basics of search, and parameter estimation and detectors. It gave participants a profound understanding of the theoretical foundations and cutting- edge methodologies underpinning gravitational wave research. The data analysis and instrumentation sessions gave