36th Annual Report (2023-24)

102 faculty members, and scientists to collect, curate and showcase scholarly communication activities and provides an opportunity to create a scholarly network. The IUCAA faculty profiles are available at https://iucaa.irins.org . Manage and maintain the IUCAA Annual Report, Khagol and Vyom issues on t he I UCAA webs i t e us i ng OJS (http://publication.iucaa.in/ ). Document Delivery Service: Fulfilled 173 article requests from92 users. ¬ ¬ Open Journal System (OJS): ¬ ¬ ¬ the loan of six books to three libraries. P u b l i c a t i o n C h a r g e s a n d Memberships: Processed seventeen publication charge requests and renewed one arXiv membership for 2023-24. P l ag i a r i sm Repo r t s : P r o v i ded plagiarism reports for research papers using Ouriginal software (until 30.09.2023) and DrillBit-Extreme software (01.10.2023 onwards). Inter-library Loan Service: Facilitated N. Nageswaran, Shashikant Mirkute, Hemant Sahu, Kanak Saha (Head, Library), Vijay Rai, Nirupama Bawdekar (Picture Credit: Mr. Shashank Tarphe) ¬ ¬ YouTube channel had 174 videos with 8.07K subscribers and 615,733 views during the period. Publication Assistance: Assistance to the Publications Department in compiling lists of publications by IUCAA Academics and Visiting Associates and compiling ICARD reports for the 35th Annual Report. YouTube Channel: The library's