35th Annual Report (2022-2023) - ENGLISH

93 Generalcomputingfacility 1) ExpansionofthePegasuscluster 2) ExpansionoftheMALScluster The hardware and devices currently managed by the computing facility include about 350+ servers and desktops, 100+ laptops, 80+ printers and scanners, three large High-Performance Computing systems and over 8.5 PiB of storage, in addition to diverse equipment deployed for an extensive, high throughput wired and wireless campus-wide network. The number of registered Wi-Fi devices is over 900 and e-mail accounts served by the computing facility amount to nearly 600. IUCAA provides e-mail services to its members and associates, the total number of accounts being nearly 600. IUCAA has its own registered domain name as “iucaa.in ”. The WAN services are provided by the National Knowledge Network over a 1 Gbps fibre connectivity, with a fall back arrangement over a 50 Mbps line from BSNL. The Pegasus cluster deployed in 2019 consist of two login nodes, two graphics nodes, 1920 compute cores, 2PiB PFS storage. In the last two years, several new users have been added and all users are extensively using the cluster. Currently, the average cluster utilisation is more than 90%, resulting in a considerable wait time for many jobs. In order to reduce wait time of the computational jobs, the Pegasus cluster is augmented by adding 20 compute nodes and a set of management nodes allowing better uptime for the cluster. The Meerkat Absorption Line Survey (MALS), led by IUCAA scientists, is one of the ten extensive surveys being carried out with the MeerKAT telescope in South Africa. The data observed is transferred from South Africa to IUCAA and will be processed on IUCAA cluster. The MALS cluster was extensively used and there was requirement for an additional resource. In order to reduce the wait time in the data processing, the MALS cluster is augmented by adding 9 In the year April 2022- March 2023 emphasiswasgiventoimplementationof: compute nodes and 2 GPU nodes having latest GPU to enhance the computing. IUCAA HPC, LIGO HPC services, virtual server, VDI environment are highly critical and depends on data centre cooling. We currently have four chillers configured in three (active) + one (standby) mode. Load in the data centre is increasing, and the current cooling may not be adequate after upgrading / expanding the IUCAA and LIGO compute clusters and storage. Hence, we have installed an additional chiller with 36 TR capacity to the existing chiller setup to run services hosted in the data centre smoothly. Setting up of state of the art IT infra, which involves high speed LANandWi-Fi connectivity, computer lab that facilitates research and training for various space based and astronomical projects. IUCAA associates, 3) Installation of 36 TR chiller for new datacentre 4) NetworkatSITARALab 5) Support for Computer-based INAT exam Due to the pandemic situation with restricted travel, the INAT was conducted computer-based exams through M/s. MeritTrac on various centers across India. Ms. MeritTrac conducted the computer-based examination on their digital platform on which they have provided digital UI for online examination, digital calculator, stand-alone browser without internet a c c e s s , e x am i n a t i o n c o n t e n t m a n a g e m e n t , e x a m i n a t i o n administration. We have provided support in the procurement of the computer-based examination software and provided required software environment to transfer essential data fromMeritTrac to IUCAA. The Computer Centre continues to provide technical support to project students as well as visitors from universities and institutionswithin India and abroad. The Computing Facility employs 8 personnel, who carry out the daily functionsthatinclude: 1. Architecting overall IT solution / technologies required for IUCAA and present it to the Computer Facilities Committee for consensus. 2. Framing policy documents and finalizing them in consultation with the Computer Facilities Committee members. 3. Drawing up specification of the RFP (Request For Proposal) tender document for IUCAA IT required to be purchased and oversee all purchases related procedure and followup. 4. Maintenance of IT hardware in the campus including servers, desktops, mobile computing equipment, printers etc. 5. P r o v i d i n g i n - h o u s e d e s i g n , development and maintenance support to the Administrative Office automation software (iOAS) and IUCAA website. (Designed web portals consisting online application module for various workshops.) 6. Maintaining Zimbra email servers and mirror sites hosted at IUCAA, and their day-to-day administration. 7. Configuration and management of data backups. 8. D e s i g n , m a n a g e m e n t a n d administration of network topology and firewall rules. 9. Administration of Ruckus wireless network covering the entire office as well as residential campus. Providing end users support for Wi-Fi devices such as laptops, mobile devices. 10. Day to day administration of VMware infrastructure and various servers catering to Administration such as AD, etc.