35th Annual Report (2022-2023) - ENGLISH

78 “Exploratory Science Sessions” at Prajna Prabodhan Varg, Jnana Prabodhini - held fromOctober to December 2022 A three-month program from October to December 2022, was held in Jnana Prabodhini for the students of Prajna Prabodhan Varg. This program's main focus wa s l e a r n i ng ph y s i c s a nd astronomy concepts through h a n d s - o n t r a i n i n g . T h e s e Exploratory Science Sessions were conducted in Jnana Prabodhini's campus, where Shivani Pethe, Rupesh Labade, Atharva Pathak, and Mayuri Patwardhan conducted a total of 10 sessions which included topics from physics like light, sound, and magnetism and astronomy topics like astrobiology. These sessions also included out- of-the-box topics like apps that can help students to learn various c o n c e p t s i n s c i e n c e a n d astronomy. A total of 42 students attended this program where a lot of hands-on activities and lab sessions were included for better experience and understanding of the concepts. These students also visited the IUCAA campus for one of the sessions on light and had a guided visit to the IUCAA Campus. These Exploratory Science Experiential Learning sessions were coordinated by Shivani Pethe. 1. Teachers training in Hingoli – 01October 2022 The IUCAA Scipop team organized a one-day teachers training for Zilla Parishad School Teachers of the Hingoli district at New Model Degree College, Hingoli. 75 Teachers from the Hingoli district attended this training. The t r a i n i ng was based on scientific toy making and the basics of Astronomy. 2. Astronomers Meeting at SRTMU, Nanded - 02 October 2022 Astronomers from Parbhani, Hingoli, Nanded, and around were gathered together at SRTMU, Nanded for discussion about Astronomy outreach around the LIGO-India project s i t e . 2 0 A s t r o n o m y enthusiasts attended this meeting and had an innovative discussion on improvement for science popularization. 3. SKA Outreach and Radio Kit I n a u g u r a t i o n ( 1 1 – 1 2 November 2022) A two-day Teachers Training for Teachers from Ambegaon and Junnar taluka was organized at the IUCAA c a m p u s . 3 0 t e a c h e r s participated in the program. Themes like NCRA campus v i s i t , b a s i c s o f r a d i o astronomy, and information about Radio Astronomy kit were included in this training. 4. Teachers training at Hingoli (22 November 2022 and 23 December 2022) 80 Zilla Parishad Teachers fromHingoli District attended this one-day training on 22nd November 2022. On 23 December 2022, 60 ZP Teachers from Hingoli District attended this training. Both the training sessions were based on basic concepts in science. 5. PKC STEM teachers training workshop - (7-8 December 2022) 40 Teachers enrolled for a day-long Astronomy hands- on session at IUCAA which was jointly organized by Pune Knowledge Cluster (PKC) and the IUCAAScipop team. TEACHER TRAINING PROGRAMMES