35th Annual Report (2022-2023) - ENGLISH

75 National Workshop on Galactic inflows and outflows on all Scales (GALFLOWS) A national workshop on Galactic inflows and outflows on all Scales (GALFLOWS 2023) was jointly organised by IUCAA and NCRA, at IUCAA from February 02-05, 2023. The workshop brought together researchers in Indiaworking on the topic of gas flows in and around galaxies on varying spatial scales. The workshop, a first of its kind on this theme of astrophysics in India, was attended by more than 60 participants with about 40 contributed talks and 17 invited speakers. The review and contributed talks gave a well-rounded highlight on the current trends of research in the national and i n t e r na t i ona l a r ena , bo t h i n observational and theoretical topics, and highlighted the pathways to follow in future in view of upcoming international projects. The workshop was coordinated by Dipanjan Mukherjee andSowgat Muzahid. [For details, see Khagol, No. 130] planet. The three topics are not only intertwined with one another in very complex ways but also have an intrinsically global character in terms of their canvas and connectivity. The lecture ended with a lively discussion with the audience as well as questions taken online over YouTube and passed on to the speaker. The recorded lecture is available at the YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/live/apabU_5_Nug?feature=share. [For details, see Khagol, No. 130]