35th Annual Report (2022-2023) - ENGLISH

74 IUCAA - NCRA Radio Astronomy Winter School - 2022 IUCAA and NCRA–TIFR jointly conducted the 15th Radio Astronomy Winter School 2022 from 13 December 2022 to 23 December 2022. Since 2019, the Teaching Learning Center of IUCAA has been organizing the school, adopting a teaching-learning model. In this model, college and university faculty members were invited to mentor the student groups formed for the school's activities. This year, five faculty members were invited and 27 student participants out of 665 applicants were selected. The Winter School was coordinated by Prakash The Cosmic Crowd in the Universe The Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA) organized a one-day symposium titled “The Cosmic Crowd in the Universe” on December 19, 2022. The symposium was aimed to provide a platform for researchers to discuss the status and understanding of the various astrophysical processes inside the densest environment of the Arumugasamy, Jameer Manur and| Subhashis Roy (NCRA, Pune). [For details, see Khagol, No. 130] universe and pay tribute to eminent astronomer Somak Raychaudhury for his immense contribution to the field. The symposium was coordinated by Kanak Saha, Ranjeev Misra and Tarun Deep Saini (IISc, Bangalore). [For details, see Khagol, No. 130] Foundation Day 2022 th The 34 IUCAA Foundation Day Lecture was delivered by Professor Satishchandra B. Ogale on Thursday, 29 December 2022. Professor Ogale, in his talk titled Building a Sustainable Future: Complex Problems in Search of Pragmatic Innovations , highlighted that energy, environment, and health are the most concerning topics for the whole world at this time, given their direct implications for the long-term sustainability of the civilization on this