35th Annual Report (2022-2023) - ENGLISH

68 Detection of Gravitational wave sources and gravitational lensing effects , invited talk, Exploring the Energetic Universe 2022, ECL, Kazakhstan, 1 September 2022 (Online) Detection of Gravitational wave sources and gravitational lensing effects , Nagoya, Japan, 21October 2022 Detection of Gravitational wave sources and gravitational lensing effects , Kindai, Japan, 25October 2022 Detection of Gravitational wave sources and gravitational lensing effects , Kavli IPMU, Japan, 27October 2022 Gravitational lensing and gravitational waves: Tensions in cosmology , plenary talk, IAGRG 2022, IISER Kolkata, 19 December 2022 Gravitational lensing and gravitational waves: Tensions in cosmology , invited lecture, LTPDU 2023, ICTS, Bangalore, 20 March 2023 Weak gravitational lensing, inaugural school of the Indian Association for General Relativity andGravitation, May 23-28, 2022 Cosmology , Olympiad camp, June 15 2022 Gravitational lensing , IUCAA Summer School cumRefresher Course, June 8, 9, 10, 2022 The search for Planet Nine using the Subaru Telescope , IAU General Assembly, Busan, SouthKorea, Aug 3, 2022 IUCAA Scipop: Astronomy outreach in India during the COVID era, IAU General Assembly, Busan, SouthKorea, Aug 5, 2022 Difference imaging with the Rubin science pipelines , The Dark Energy Survey Collaborationmeeting, Aug9, 2022 Cosmology and Astrophysics from the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam survey , Colloquiumat Presidency University, Oct 12, 2022 The Subaru search for Planet Nine , NagoyaUniversity, Japan, 20Oct, 2022 The Subaru search for Planet Nine, NAOJ, Japan, 27Oct, 2022 The Subaru search for Planet Nine, APEC Kavli IPMU, Japan, 28 Oct, 2022 The search for Planet Nine , Marathi Khagol sammelan, Fergusson College Pune, Jan 27, 2023 The Indian participation in Rubin LSST, Rubin LSST , Astronomical Society of Indiameeting, Mar 1, 2023 Subaru Search for Planet Nine , Astronomical Society of India meeting, Mar 2, 2023 GW cosmology (sirens and mass spectral features) , invited plenary talk at Moriond conference, La Thuille, Italy, Mar 20, 2023, Astrophysics from the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey , Universitaet Zurich, Switzerland, Mar 27, 2023 DipanjanMukherjee Simulating young magnetised jets from supermassive black holes, invited plenary talk, ASI 2022meeting, IIT Roorkee, 27March 2022 VirtualseminaratUniversityofCardiff,on19thOctober2022 Physics of relativistic jets on all scales, invited talk, IAUGA Focus nd th meeting, BusanKorea 2 and9 August 2022. (Online) th High Energy Emission from Active Galactic Nuclei, invited talk, 4 National Conference on High Energy Emission from Active Galactic Nuclei, Farook College, Kozhikode, Kerala, 12 – 14August 2022. Invited talk, theAPPC15, avirtualmeetingof the15thAsiaPacific PhysicsConference,21–26August,2022.(Online) Unveiling the role of relativistic jets in galaxy evolution through MHD simulations, invited talk, the AAPPS-DPP 2022, virtual meeting of 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics, 9 – 14 October, 2022. (Online) Understanding how jets from Supermassive Black Holes affect galaxy evolution, invited talk, the National Seminar on Advances in Astrophysics & Space Science Research 2023, Christ University, Bangalore on 14th February, 2023 SowgatMuzahid The MUSEQuBES Surveys On the CGM, What matter(s) around galaxies 2022: connecting the dots between the circumgalactic medium and the larger-scale environment, Champoluc, 12 September 2022 Observational Signatures of Diffuse Gas Flows in Galaxies , GALFLOWS-2023, IUCAA, Pune, 4 February 2023 Galaxies, Clusters, and IGM, ASI decadal vision document, ICTS, Bangalore, 31October 2022 J.V.Narlikar Cambridge: My AlmaMater , IUCAA, Pune, June 28, 2022. VaidehiS.Paliya Jetted Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies in Fermi Era, invited review talk in '4thNational Conference onHigh Energy Emission fromActive Galactic Nuclei' conference, Aug 12-14, 2022, Farook College, Calicut, India Introduction to the Gamma-ray Universe, IUCAA-sponsored national conference “National Seminar on Advances in Astrophysics & Space Science Research 2023” organized by CHRIST (deemed to be university), Bangalore fromFebruary 13-15, 2023.