35th Annual Report (2022-2023) - ENGLISH

65 (f) SUPERVISIONOFMSTHESES (g) SUPERVISIONOFPROJECTS T.P.Singh Title: Spontaneous Collapse Models from a coarse-grained Deterministic andNon-unitary Dynamics Student: Kartik Kakade (IISERPune) Title: The CKMmatrix froman algebra Student: Aditya Ankur Patel (IISERMohali) DebaratiChatterjee Kuldeep Singh (SPPU-IUCAA M.Sc. with Astrophysics) Constraining effective nucleonmass usingmulti messenger observations. Nilaksha Barman (IUCAA Graduate School) A code to calculate Nuclear Statistical Equilibrium condition for the CompOSE database . Pranjal Tambe (IUCAA Graduate School) Study of suprathermal bulk viscosity inNeutronStars due tomagnetic field effects. AnikMandal (SPPU-IUCAA) Biases in tests of general relativity due to eccentric signals [in collaborationwithProf. Sanjit Mitra] Anirudh Srivastha Nemmani (IISER Tirupati) How good is isolated microlensing approximation? [VacationStudents' Program2022] Surendra Bhattarai (IISER Kolkata) Can eccentric signals mimic microlensing? Nishkal Rao (IISER Pune) Can overlapping signals mimic any other physical effects? [in collaborationwithDr. AnupreetaMore] Sachin Joshi SPPU-IUCAA project (3rd + 4th semester) Pritam Sarkar (IIT, Kharagpur) Modeling and simulation of suspended mirrors and Fabry-Perot cavities using LIGO's control and data systemsoftware . Vishakha Potdar (SPPU) Virtual LIGOGravitational WaveDetector Sudhir Gholap (IUCAA Graduate School) A template-based method for the identification of strongly lensed gravitational-wave events ApratimGanguly NeerajGupta ShivarajKandhasamy ShasvathJ.Kapadia Gopal Prabhu (IUCAA Graduate School) Constraining the abundance of exotic compact objects in our galaxy with gravitational-waves Poorva Pawar (SPPU BSc/MSc) Gravitational-Wave Data Analysis Kajol Shelke (SPPU BSc/MSc) Identification in detector data of overlapping gravitational-wave signals from compact binary coalescences SanjitMitra Sakshi Kumar (IIT-Kharagpur) B. Tech. Project AshishMhaske (BITSPilani) M. Tech. Project Prajakta Mane (IISER Mohali) Identifying the Lensed Supernovae fromLSSTData, (Co-supervisedwithSurhudMore) Soorya Narayan (IISER Pune) Machine learning algorithm to identify gravitational lensing and gravitational wave sources Arjun Murlidharan (IISER Pune), Quadruply Lensed Quasars (Co-supervisedwithSomak Raychaudhaury) Parmeshwar Dewangan (SPPU/IUCAA) An observational search for infalling galaxy groups into clusters Esha Garg (IIT Roorkee) The assembly bias of halos defined according to the splashback radius SowgatMuzahid Sourav Das (IUCAA-SPPU M.Sc. Course) Probing the azimuthal distribution of circumgalacticmedium in low redshift galaxies. VaidehiS.Paliya Sanjay Maurya (IUCAA-SPPU M.Sc. Astrophysics), Compton dominance-based classification of Fermi blazar candidates of uncertain type Preetam Biswas (SPPU M.Sc. Physics), Radio morphology of gamma-ray sources Suresh Parekh (SPPU M.Sc. Physics), Extended X-ray jets associatedwith radio-loud quasars Kaustav Bhattacharya (SPPU M.Sc. Physics), Identification of Multiwavelength counterpart of unclassified Fermi detected gamma-ray objects AseemParanjape Mr. KaustubhGupta, VSPproject Sept-Oct 2022 Ms. Pooja Thakur, VSPproject Sept-Oct 2022 AnupreetaMore SurhudMore