35th Annual Report (2022-2023) - ENGLISH

64 DipanjanMukherjee Title: Modelling the impact of AGN-driven outflows on the star formation activity in galaxies Student: AnkushMandal Title: Simulating effects of AGN-driven outflows on galactic scales and predicting their observable signatures Student: M. Meenakshi Title: Simulations of various aspects of extra-galactic, relativistic jets Student: PrathameshRatnaparkhi Title: Magnetic fields of AccretingNeutronStars Student: Saurabh Yeole. SowgatMuzahid Title: Gaseous atmospheres of high redshift Ly Student: EshitaBanerjee (IUCAA) Title: Probing the CircumgalacticMediumof LowRedshift Galaxies Student: Sayak Dutta (IUCAA) VaidehiS.Paliya Title: High Energy Transients: Amulti-wavelength prospective Student: Suvas Chandra Chaudhary (IUCAA) AseemParanjape Title: Exploring the Nature of Dark Matter using Astrophysical and Cosmological Probes . Student: Bhaskar Arya (IUCAA) Title: Interplay of galaxy formation and the evolution of dark matter haloes in the cosmicweb. Student: Mr. Premvijay Velmani (IUCAA) Title: Cosmic velocity flows: fromtheory to observations Student: SaeeDhawalikar KanakSaha Title: Probing the ionizing radia/on of high-redshi3 galaxies using AstroSat Student: Soumil Maulick (IUCAA) Title: Probing the assembly of galaxies in high-z universe Student: ManishKataria (IUCAA) Title: Clump dynamics of Star-forming galaxies at intermediate redshift Student: Pushpak Pandey (IUCAA) Title: Thesis title yet to be finalized Student: Jyoti Prakash (IUCAA) RaghunathanSrianand Title: Probing the Ultra-Fast Outflows in BAL Quasars using Multi- EpochSpectroscopy. Student: P. Aromal (IUCAA) Title: Probing the Nature, Environment and Evolution of Ultra Strong Mg II absorptionSystem. Student: Labanya Guha (IUCAA) Title: Exploring theMetals in the IntergalacticMedium. Student: SukanyaMallik (IUCAA) NishantSingh Title: Aspects of Turbulent Convection: Implications for Solar Differential Rotation and Small-ScaleDynamos Student: Kishore Gopalakrishnan (IUCAA) DurgeshTripathi Title: Dynamics of the Lower Solar Atmosphere Student: Soumya Roy Title: A Study of Transients in the Solar Atmosphere Student: Biswanath Malaker NeerajGupta Student: Eric Maina - SARAO, South Africa (co-supervisor, since 2019) Student: JonahWagenveld -MPIfR, Germany (mentor, since 2019) Title: Searches for stochastic gravitational-wave background in advanced LIGOdata Student: Junaid Yousuf [University of Kashmir, Srinagar] NishantSingh Title: On effects of small-scale turbulence on the acceleration of cosmic rays Student: SayanKundu (IIT-Indore) Title: Onmagnetic fields of disc galaxies Student: Subah Sharma (Thapar Institute of Engineering and Tech, Patiala) DurgeshTripathi Title: Study of the Solar Atmosphere: Space Instrumentation and Observations Student: Janmejoy Sarkar (f) SUPERVISIONOFPh.D. THESES (Degrees ongoing –Other than IUCAA) ShivarajKandhasamy