35th Annual Report (2022-2023) - ENGLISH

27 AWARDS AND DISTINCTIONS Debarati Chatterjee SurhudMore SowgatMuzahid J. V.Narlikar AseemParanjape VarunSahni KandaswamySubramanian On her article (https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.106.035801 ) being highlighted as Editor's Suggestion for the journal Physical Review C written along with her Ph.D. student Suprovo Ghosh and collaborators Kauan Marquez, Mateus Pelicer and Prof. Debora Menezes from UFSC, Florianopolis, Brazil, along with colleagues J. Peterson and Prof. V. Dexheimer from Kent State University (Ohio, USA) and selected for inclusion in the American Physical Society's outreach to the press. The French coverage of the article appeared in the October issue of Pour La Science (the French version of the Americanmagazine Scientific American) and received international recognition: https://www.pourlascience.fr/sd/astrophysique/des-particules-exotiques-au-coeur-des-magnetars- 24266.php On receiving the Best Paper award for 2022 by Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan: GOLDRUSH. II. 2 Clustering of galaxies at z ∼ 4–6 revealed with the half-million dropouts over the 100 deg area corresponding to 1 3. Gpc On his proposal titled the role of gaseous halos in galaxy evolution , being awarded a travel grant for three years under the Indo-Italian Executive Programme of Scientific and Technological Cooperation, 2022. The associated news article can be found here– [ https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/pune/3-scientists-pune-selected-indo-italian-research-7732620/ | His proposal titled Connecting the ISM and CGM properties of galaxies at cosmic noon being awarded 23 hours of observations in the Very Large Telescope (VLT) in the Cycle P111 (Proposal ID: 111.24ZE.001). On being conferredwith the ASI Govind Swarup Lifetime Achievement Award (2022) by the Astronomical Society of India. on being appointed as aRegular Associate of ICTP, Trieste, from01 Jan 2023 to 31Dec 2028. on receiving the 2023 VaidyaRaychaudhuri Endowment Award. on being elected as Fellow, National Academy of Sciences on receiving the Carl Friedrich von Siemens Research Award of the Alexander vonHumboldt Foundation