35th Annual Report (2022-2023) - ENGLISH

IUCAA IN NEWS 24 Neawspaper clippings for the period April 01, 2022, to March 31, 2023 1. 54 countries, 277 publications 3000 users: At 7, India's AstroSat leaps ahead. Indian Express, Pune, September 29, 2022, page no. 11 2. Study by IUCAA scientists, collaborators on supermassive black holes featured on cover of international journal. Indian Express, Pune, May 03, 2022, Page no. 6 3. AmVm 'Am`wH$m 2.0': Zì`m g§emoYZmgmR>r {dÚmnrR>mV XmoZ dfmªV AË`mYw{ZH$ B_maV _hmamï— Q>mBåg, ßbg, nwUo, gßQo>§~a 29, 2022, nmZ H«$. 1 4. What Webb's deep field image shows, and why is it epochal. Indian Express, Pune, July 13, 2022, Page no. 14 5. 'Ooåg do~' Zo {Q>nbr àmMrZ {dœmMr à{V_m gH$mi, nwUo, Owb¡ 13, 2022, nmZ H«$. 5 6. NASA's Cosmic Show Times of India, Pune, July 13, 2022, Page no. 20 7. 'bm`Jmo' bm àVrjm 'Am{W©H$' VaVwXrMr gH$mi, gmam§e, nwUo, \$o~«wdmar 28, 2023, nmZ H«$. 8 8. 'Ooåg do~' Ûmao {dœXe©Z _hmamï— Q>mBåg, nwUo, Owb¡ 13, 2022 9. AmH$meJ§JoÀ`m H$jo~mhoa àW_M {Xgbr Vmè`m§Mr {Z{_©Vr nwT>mar, nwUo, Owb¡ 30, 2022, nmZ H«$. 1 10. 'E°ñQ´>mog°Q>' Zo {Q>nbr bKw Xr{K©H$m gH$mi, nwUo, Owb¡ 30, 2022, nmZ H«$. 9 11. Astronomers discover huge black hole spewing fiery jet at another galaxy. Times of India, Pune, October 13, 2022, Page no. 2