35th Annual Report (2022-2023) - ENGLISH

214 to be held during April 3 - 5, 2023 at Kodaikanal Solar Observatory, Tamil Nadu, India. 8. N. T. Thomas, T. S. Sidharth Nath, S. B. Gudennavar and S G Bubbly (2023) Unveiling spectral properties of 4U 1820-30 using AstroSat , National Conference on REcent Trends in the Study of Compact Objects (RETCO-V): Theory and Observation to be held during April 3 - 5, 2023 at Kodaikanal Solar Observatory, Tamil Nadu, India. 9. N. T. Thomas, M. Varun, Navya T. Jacob, S.B.Gudennavar and S. G. Bubbly (2023) Spectral studies of 4U 1636-536 using AstroSat , National Conference on REcent Trends in the Study of Compact Objects (RETCO-V): Theory and Observation to be held during April 3 - 5, 2023 at Kodaikanal Solar Observatory, Tamil Nadu, India. 10. S. B. Gudennavar , N. T. Thomas and S. G. Bubbly (2023) Spectro-temporal studies of GX 9+1 using AstroSat, National Conference on REcent Trends in the Study of Compact Objects (RETCO-V): Theory and Observation held during April 3 - 5, 2023 at Kodaikanal Solar Observatory, Tamil Nadu, India. 11. N. T. Thomas, S. B. Gudennavar and S. G. Bubbly , Unravelling properties of GX 3+1 through AstroSat observations, National Conference on REcent Trends in the Study of Compact Objects (RETCO-V): Theory and Observation held during April 3 - 5, 2023 at Kodaikanal Solar Observatory, Tamil Nadu, India. 12. N. T. Thomas, Khushi Jirawala, Vaishnavi Nakra, S. B. Gudennavar and S. G. Bubbly , Spectral properties of XTE J1701-462 using AstroSat, National Conference on REcent Trends in the Study of Compact Objects (RETCO-V): Theory and Observation held during April 3 - 5, 2023 at Kodaikanal Solar Observatory, Tamil Nadu, India. 13. N. T. Thomas, S. B. Gudennavar , S. G. Bubbly, Unravelling properties of GX 3+1 through AstroSat observations, Proceedings of the Young Astronomers Meet 2022 held during November 9 - 13, 2022 at ARIES, Nainital, India. 14. M. V. Sazhin, M. Safonova, V. N. Sementsov, P. Hasan and N. Hasan (2022) Using Artsimovich Railgun (Relsotron) for Payloads Delivery from the Moon , 53rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, March 7–11, 2022, Houston. 1. Jaiverdhan Chauhan, Priya Bharali , Manoj Mandal, Paul Draghis, Sabyasachi Pal, Anne Lohfink, Andrea Sanna (2022) Detection of X-ray reflection in MAXI J1816-195 with the NuSTAR, The Astronomer 's Telegram, Published in June, 2022. CircularandTelegrams AwardsandHonors AruBeri International Women Young Researcher Award Winner Venus International Women Awards (VIWA) Newton International Fellowship Alumni in 2022. NaseerIqbalbhat Received INSA Teacher award in Astrophysics / Physics 2021 from th INSA Indian National Science Academy New Delhi on 15 December 2022 at Vishakapatnam. The award carries a cash reward of Rs/ 50, 000, Citation and book grant of Rs 25, 000. Received best Science Communicator Award-2022 by J and K Science CommunicatorsNetwork inSeptember 2022. MayukhR.Gangopadhyay Associate, Indian Academy of Sciences, Bengaluru, 2022 SushantGhosh Four papers listed below published in 2020 received IOP Publishing's top cited award 2022 1. Black Hole Parameter Estimation from Its Shadow in Astrophysical Journal: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/1538- 4357/ab77b0. - Rahul Kumar Walia and Sushant G. Ghosh – 83 citations 2. Rotating black holes in 4D Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity and its shadow in the Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics: h t t ps : / / i ops c i enc e . i op . o r g / . . . / 10 . 1088 / 1475 - 7516/2020/07/053 - Rahul Kumar Walia and Sushant G. Ghosh – 151 citations 3. Gravitational lensing by black holes in the 4D Einstein- Gauss-Bonnet gravity in the Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics: h t t ps : / / i ops c i enc e . i op . o r g / . . . / 10 . 1088 / 1475 - 7516/2020/09/030 - Shafqat Ul Islam, Rahul Kumar, and Sushant G. Ghosh - 119 citations 4. Generating black holes in 4D Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity' inClassical andQuantumGravity: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1361- 6382/abc134 Sushant G. Ghosh and Rahul Kumar - 77 citations.