35th Annual Report (2022-2023) - ENGLISH

212 494. Francisco Tello-Ortiz, B. Mishra, A. Alvarez & Ksh. Newton Singh (2023) Minimally Deformed Wormholes Inspired by Noncommutative Geometry , ForPh, 71 , 2200108. DOI: 10.1002/prop.202200108 495. S. K. Maurya, Ksh. Newton Singh , M. Govender & Saibal Ray (2023) Observational Constraints onMaximumMass Limit and Physical Properties of Anisotropic Strange Star Models by Gravitational Decoupling in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet Gravity , MNRAS, 519 , 4303. DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stac3611 496. S. V. Lohakare, B. Mishra, S. K. Maurya & Ksh. Newton Singh (2023) Analysing the geometrical and dynamical parameters of modified Teleparallel-Gauss-Bonnet model , PDU, 39 , 101164. DOI: 10.1016/j.dark.2022.101164 497. Ksh. Newton Singh , Farook Rahaman, D. Deb & S. K. Maurya (2023) Traversable Finslerian wormholes supported by phantomenergy , FrPhy, 10 , 01. DOI: 10.3389/fphy.2022.1038905 498. Ksh. Newton Singh , B. Dayanandand, M. Daoud (2023) Self- gravitating electrically charged anisotropic strange star model S. K. Maurya, Abdelghani Errehymy , NewA, 101 , 102000 . DOI: 10.1016/j.newast.2023.102000 499. D. Kundu, V. B. Thapa, M. Sinha (2023) (Anti)kaon condensation in strongly magnetized dense matter PhRvC, 107 , 035807. 500. A. Kumar, V. B. Thapa, M. Sinha (2023) Hybrid stars are compatible with recent astrophys-ical observations , PhRvD, 107 , 063024. 501. A. Kumar, V. B. Thapa, M. Sinha (2022) Compact star merger events with stars composed of interacting strange quark matter , MNRAS, 513 , 3788. 502. D. Nour, K. Sriram (2023) Dependency of optical/UV parameters on X-ray spectral index in AGNs , JHEAp, 37 ,34. 503. P. Chiranjeevi, K. Sriram (2022) Anticorrelated lags in a neutron star Z source GX 5-1: AstroSat's View , MNRAS, 516, 2500 504. S. Harikrishna, K. Sriram (2022) Type-B QPOs in the black hole source H1743-322 and their association with Comptonization region and Jet , MNRAS, 516 , 5148. 505. Swadesh Chand, G. C. Dewangan, Parijat Thakur (Corresponding Author), Prakash Tripathi, and V. K. Agrawal (2022) AstroSat View of the Newly Discovered X-Ray Transient MAXI J1803– 298 in the Hard-intermediate State , ApJ, 933 , 69. 506. Vineet Kumar Mannaday, Parijat Thakur (Corresponding Author), John Southworth, Ing-Guey Jiang, D. K. Sahu, et al. (2022) Revisiting the Transit Timing Variations in the TrES-3 andQatar1 Systemswith TESSData , AJ, 164 , 198. 507. S. K. Tripathy , S.K. Pradhan, B. Barik, Z. Naik, B. Mishra (2023) Evolution of generalized Brans-Dicke parameter within a superbounce scenario, Symm, 15 ,790. 508. Santosh V Lohakare, Francisco Tello-Ortiz, S.K. Tripathy, B. Mishra (2022) Bouncing cosmology withmodified gravity with higher-order Gauss-Bonnet curvature term, Univ, 8 , 636. 509. A. Y. Shaikh, Sankarsan Tarai, S. K. Tripathy , B. Mishra (2022) Bouncing cosmological model with general relativistic hydrodynamics in extended gravity, International Journal of Geometrical Methods inModernPhysics, 19 , 2250193. 510. S.A. Kadam, B. Mishra , S. K. Tripathy (2022) Dynamical features of f(T,B) cosmology, MPLA , 37 ,2250104. 511. L. K. Duchaniya, Santosh V Lohakare, B. Mishra , S. K. Tripathy (2022) Dynamical stability analysis of accelerating f(T) gravity models, EPJC, 82 , 448. 512. S. A. Narawade, Laxmipriya Pati, B. Mishra , S. K. Tripathy (2022) Dynamical system analysis for accelerating models in non-metricity f(Q) gravity , PDU , 36 , 101020. 513. B. Pourhassan, M. Dehghani, S. Upadhyay , I. Sakalli, D. V. Singh (2022) Exponential corrected thermodynamics of Born Infeld BTZ black holes inmassive gravity , MPLA, 37 , 2250230. 514. SudhakerUpadhyay , Surajit Mandal, YerlanMyrzakulov, Kairat Myrzakulov (2023) Weak deflection angle, greybody bound and shadow for charged massive BTZ black hole , AnPh, 450 , 169242. 515. Abdul W. Khanday, Sudhaker Upadhyay , Prince A. Ganai (2022) Effect of GUP on the large scale structure formation in the universe , EPJC, 82 , 1164. 516. Dharm Veer Singh, Aradhya Shukla, Sudhaker Upadhyay (2022) Quasinormal modes, shadow and thermodynamics of black holes coupled with nonlinear electrodynamics and cloud of strings , AnPh, 447 , 169157. 517. S. Noori Gashti, J. Sadeghi, S. Upadhyay (2022) Swampland dS conjecture inMimetic f(R, T) gravity , CoTPh, 74 , 085402. 518. Himanshu Kumar Sudhanshu, Sudhaker Upadhyay , Dharm Veer Singh & Sunil Kumar (2022) Corrected Thermodynamics of (2+1) D Black Hole Conformally Coupled to a Massless Scalar , IJTP, 61 , 248 (2022). 519. Dharm Veer Singh, Vinod Kumar Bhardwaj & Sudhaker