35th Annual Report (2022-2023) - ENGLISH

208 Non-Singular Cosmological Models , ForPh , 71 , 2200193. 396. M. Indra, K.K. Ghosh and S. Ray (2023) Analytical study of ion- acoustic solitary waves in a magnetized plasma with degenerateelectrons , ChJPh , 81 , 325 . 397. J. Bulnes, S. Ray , R. Cruz-Santiago and J. López-Bonilla (2023) Lorentz Transformation& the Intrinsic Geometry of a Time-like Curve inMinkowski Spacetime , Prespacetime J ., 14 , 354. 398. S. K. Maurya, K.N. Singh, M. Govender and S. Ray (2023) Observational Constraints on Maximum Mass Limit and Physical Properties of Anisotropic Strange Star Models by Gravitational Decoupling in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet Gravity, MNRAS, 519 , 4303. 399. Soumya Kanti Roy, B. Raychaudhuri and Aditya S. Mondal (2022) Spacelike trajectories in BTZ spacetime and comparison with timelike and lightlike trajectories , PhyS, 97 , 105004 (2022) https://doi.org/10.1088/1402-4896/ac91b1 400. Arunava Bhadra1, Souvik Ghose, Biplab Raychaudhuri (2022) A quest for the origin of the Sagnac effect , EPJC, 82 ,649. https://doi.org/10.1140/epjc/s10052-022-10620-62 401. Aditya S. Mondal, B. Raychaudhuri, G. C. Dewangan and Aru Beri (2022) Evidence of hard power-law spectral cutoff and disc reflection features from the X-ray transient XTE J1739–285 , MNRAS, 516 , 1256. https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stac2321 402. Prabir Rudra (2022) Energy–momentum squared symmetric Teleparallel gravity:------ gravity PDU, 37 , 101071. DOI: 10.1016/j.dark.2022.101071 403. Prabir Rudra (2022) A time-dependent spacetime in f(R,T) gravity: Gravitational collapse , IJMPD, 31 , 2250095. DOI: 10.1142/S021827182250095X 404. Bilel Hamil, Houcine Aounallah, Prabir Rudra (2022) Higher- order GUP black hole based on COW experiment and Einstein–Bohr's photon box , EPJP, 137 , 733. DOI: 10.1140/epjp/s13360-022-02935-w 405. Abbad Moussa, Houcine Aounallah, Prabir Rudra, Faizuddin Ahmed (2023) Klein-Gordon Oscillator with Scalar and Vector Potentials in Topologically Charged Ellis-Bronnikov type Wormhole , IJGMMP, 20 , 2350102. DOI: 10.1142/S0219887823501025 406. H. Dinesan and S. Sunil Kumar (2022) Laser-Induced Fluorescence (LIF) Spectroscopy of Trapped Molecular Ions in the Gas Phase , ApSpe, 76 , 1393. Doi: 10.1177/00037028221120830 407. Hemant Rathore, Adarsh Nandanwar, Sanjay K. Sahay and Mohit Sewak (2023) Adversarial Superiority in Android Malware Detection: Lessons from Reinforcement Learning based Evasion Attacks and Defenses , FSI: Digital Investigation, 44 , 301511. 408. Trupil Limbasiya, Sanjay K. Sahay and Debasis Das (2022) SAMPARK: Secure and Lightweight Communication Protocols for Smart ParkingManagement , JISA, 71 , 103381. 409. Hemant Rathore, Animesh Sasan, Sanjay K. Sahay and Mohit Sewak (2022) Defending malware detection models against evasion based adversarial attacks , PatReL, 164 , 119. 410. Mohit Sewak, Sanjay K. Sahay and Hemant Rathore (2023 ) Deep Reinforcement Learning in the Advanced Cybersecurity Threat Detection and Protection , Information Systems Frontiers, 25 , 589. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10796-022-10333-x 411. Hemant Rathore, Adithya Samavedhi, Sanjay K. Sahay and Mohit Sewak (2022) Towards Adversarially Superior Malware Detection Models: An Adversary-Aware Proactive Approach using Adversarial Attacks and Defenses , Information Systems Frontiers, 25 , 567. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10796-022- 10331-z 412. Mohit Sewak, Sanjay K. Sahay , and Hemant Rathore (2022) Neural AutoForensics: Comparing Neural Sample Search and Neural Architecture Search for Malware De tection and Forensics , FSI: Digital Investigation, 43 , 301444. 413. Mohit Sewak, Sanjay K. Sahay , and Hemant Rathore (2022) GreenForensics: Deep Hybrid Edge-Cloud Detection and Forensics System for Battery-Performance-Balance Conscious Devices . FSI: Digital Investigation, 43 , 301445. 414. M. Koussour, Simran Arora, Dhruba Jyoti Gogoi, M. Bennai, P. K. Sahoo (2023) Constant sound speed and itsthermodynamical interpretation in f(Q) gravity, NuPhB, 990 , 116158. 415. Tee-How Loo, Raja Solanki, Avik De, P.K. Sahoo (2023) f(Q,T) gravity, its covariant formulation, energy conservation and phase-space analysis, EPJC, 83 , 261. 416. M. Koussour, S. K. J. Pacif, M. Bennai, P. K. Sahoo (2023) A new parametrization of Hubble parameter in f(Q) gravity, Fortschritte der Physik, 71 , 2200172. 417. Z. Yousaf, M. Z. Bhatti, H. Aman, P. K. Sahoo (2023) Non- Singular Bouncing Model in Energy Momentum Squared Gravity , PhyS, 98 , 035002. 418. Gaurav N. Gadbail, Simran Arora, P. K. Sahoo (2023) Reconstruction of f(Q,T) Lagrangian for various cosmological scenario , PhLB, 838 , 137710.