35th Annual Report (2022-2023) - ENGLISH

206 341. A. Dixit, V.K. Bhardwaj, and A. Pradhan (2022) Barrow HDE model for Statefinder diagnostic in non-flat FRW universe, ChJPh, 77 , 646. 342. P. Garg, A. Pradhan , and M. Zeyauddin (2022) Roles of a periodic time varying deceleration parameter in Particle creation with (d+2) dimensional FLRW Universe, NewA, 95 , 101821. 343. A. K. Yadav, G. K. Goswami, A. Pradhan, and S. K. Srivastava (2022) Dark energy dominated universe in Lyra geometry , InJPh, 96 , 1569. 344. G. Panotopoulos, A. Pradhan, T. Tangphati, and A. Banerjee (2022) Charged polytropic compact stars in 4D Einstein- Gauss-Bonnet gravity, ChJPh, 77, 2106. 345. I. Bhattacharyya, S. Ray and A. Pradhan (2022) Tidal effect in ADM formulation under the foliations of spacetime, ChJPh, 77 , 1765. 346. S. K. Maurya, A. Banerjee, A. Pradhan , and D. Yadav (2022) Minimally deformed charged steller model by gravitational decoupling in 5D Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity, EPJC, 82 , 552. 347. A. Singh, G. P. Singh , and A. Pradhan (2022) Cosmic dynamics and qualitative study of Rastall model with spatial curvature, IJMPA, 37 , 2250104. 348. A. Pradhan, A. Dixit , and G. Varshney (2022) LRS Bianchi type-I cosmological models with periodic time varying deceleration parameter and statefinder in f[R, T) gravity, IJMPA, 37 , 2250121. 349. J. M. Z. Pretel, T. Tangphati, A. Banerjee, and A. Pradhan (2022) Charged quark stars in f[R, T) gravity, ChJPh, 46 , 115103. 350. A. Dixit , D. C. Maurya, and A. Pradhan , (2022) Phantom dark energy nature of bulk-viscosity universe in modified f(Q)- gravity, IJGMMP, 19 , 2250198. 351. V. K. Bharadwaj, P. Garg, A. Pradhan, and S. Krishnannair (2022) Corrected holographic dark energy with power-law entropy and Hubble Horizon cut-off in FRW Universe, ChJPh, 79 , 471. 352. T. Tangphati, I. Karar, A. Banerjee, and A. Pradhan (2022) The Mass-Radius relation for quark stars in energy-momentum squared gravity, AnPh, 447 , 169149. 353. V. K. Bhardwaj, A. Pradhan, N. Ahmed, and A.A. Shaker (2022) Cosmographic analysis of a closed bouncing universe with the varying cosmological constant in f(R,T) gravity, CaJPh , 100 , 475. 354. V. K. Bhardwaj, A. Dixit , R. Rani, G. K. Goswami, and A. Pradhan (2022) An axially symmetric transitioning models with observational constraints , ChJPh , 80 , 261. 355. V. K. Bhardwaj, A. Dixit , A. Pradhan, and S. Krishnannair (2022) Rényi holographic dark energy models in teleparallel gravity, IJMPA, 37 , 2250178. 356. A. Singh, and A. Pradhan (2022) Cosmic acceleration and ekpyrotic bouncewithChameleon field, IJGMMP, 19 , 2250216. 357. J. Bhadra, U. Debnath , and A. Pradhan (2022) Accretions of (m,n) type Pilgrim dark energies with logarithmic and power- law entropy corrections onto (D+2)-dimensional black hole andwormhole, MPLA, 37 , 2250173. 358. U. Debnath , S. Chakraborty, S. Maity, and A. Pradhan , (2022) Study of anisotropic universe in presence of DBI-essence, phantomand tachyonic fields, IJMPA, 37 , 2250198. 359. A. Dixit, and A. Pradhan (2022) Bulk viscous flat FLRW model with observational constraints in f(T, B) gravity, Univ , 8 , 650. 360. A. Pradhan, A. Dixit, and D. C. Maurya (2022) Quintessence behaviour of an anisotropic bulk viscous cosmological model inmodified f(Q)-gravity , Symmetry, 14 , 2630. 361. P. Garg, V. K. Bharadwaj, and A. Pradhan (2022) Barrow entropic quintessence and dilation dark energy models with generalizedHDE cut-off, IJMPA, 37 , 2250217. 362. S. H. Shekh, M. Myrzakulov, A. Pradhan , and A. Mussatayeva (2023) Observational constraints on F(T,T ) gravity with G Hubble's parametrization, Symm, 15 , 321. 363. S. Gupta, A. Dixit, and A. Pradhan (2023), Tsallis holographic dark energy scenario in viscous F(Q) gravity and tachyon field, IJGMMP, 20 , 2350021. 364. V. K. Bharadwaj, A. Dixit , and A. Pradhan (2023) Bianchi type-V transitioning model in Brans-Dicke theory with observational constraint, IJGMMP , 20 , 2350022. 365. A. Singh, and A. Pradhan (2023) Qualitative study of anisotropic Rastall cosmologies, IndJPh, 97 , 631. 366. A. Dixit, S. Gupta, A. Pradhan , and A. Beesham (2023), Thermodynamics of the acceleration of the universe in k(R, T) gravitymodel, Symmetry, 15 , 549. 367. S. H. Shekh, A. Bouali, G. Mustafa, A. Pradhan , and F. Jawad (2023), Observational constraints in accelerated emergent f(Q) gravitymodel , CQGr, 40 , 0555011. 368. K. M. Muraleedharan, K. T. Bibish Kumar, John Sunil & R.K. Sunil Kumar (2023) Combined Use of Nonlinear Measures for