35th Annual Report (2022-2023) - ENGLISH

205 Amit Pathak (2022) Laboratory measurements of stretching band strengths of deuterated quenched carbonaceous composites , ApJ, 933 , 35. 316. N. P. Yadav, A.K. Vishwakarma, K. Kumar, A. Vats, Amit Pathak , R. Kumar, V. Mukerjee, S. Moharana, T. Yadav, C. Mahapatra, S. Srivastava, (2022) Theoretical spectroscopic signature of synephrine using DFT and effect of hydrogen removal , PhaTr, 95 , 475. 317. G. Devi, Amit Pathak , A. Vats (2022) DFT study of Interstellar PANH: vibrational spectra of anionic and cationic variants , AdSpR, 70 , 2133. 318. S. K. Dubey, A. Kumar, A. Pandey, Amit Pathak , S. K. Srivastava (2022) A Study of Sensitivity Improved Probe Using Hyperbolic Metamaterial for Optical Fiber SPR (OFSPR) - based Refractive Index Sensor , Plasmonics, 17 , 1279. 319. B. C. Pau l, B. C. Roy, A. Saha (2022) Bianchi-I anisotropic universewithBarrowholographic dark energy , EPJC, 82, 76. 320. A. Saha, A. Chanda, S. Dey, S. Ghose, B. C. Paul (2022) Rényi Holographic dark energymodels inmultidimensional universe , IJGMMP, 19 ,2250043. 321. R. Deb, P. Mandal , B. C. Paul (2022) Wormholes in f®, T) – gravity with density dependent $B$ parameter in SQM , EPJP, 137 ,481. 322. B. C. Paul , S. D. Maharaj, A. Beesham (2022) Reconstruction of modified Gauss–Bonnet gravity for emergent universe- Reconstruction of modified Gauss–Bonnet gravity for emergent universe , IJMPD, 31 , 2250045. 323. B. C. Paul , A Chanda, S Maharaj, A Beesham (2022) Late time cosmology in f(R,G) gravity with interacting fluids , CQGr, 39 , 065006 . 324. R. Sengupta, B. C. Paul and P. Paul (2022) Skyrme Fluid in AnisotropicUniverse , Prama, 96 ,114. 325. B. C. Paul , Shyam Das, Ranjan Sharma (2022) Anisotropic Compact Objects with colour-flavour-locked equation of state in Finch-Skea geometry , EPJP, 137 ,525. 326. A. Chanda, B. C. Paul (2022) Evolution of Primordial Black Holes in f(Q) gravity with non-linear equation of state , EPJC, 82 ,616. 327. Bibhash Das, S. Dey, S. Das, B. C. Paul , Anisotropic Compact Objects with Finch-Skea geometry in EGB gravity, EPJC, 82 , 519. 328. Ruchi Tamang, M. Ghising, M. Tobrej, Binay Rai, B. C. Paul , (2022) Spectral and Timing analysis of Be/X-ray Binary EXO 2030+375 during its giant 2021 outburst , MNRAS, 515 ,5407. 329. M. Ghising, Ruchi Tamang, M. Tobrej, Binay Rai, B. C. Paul (2022) Spectral & Timing Analysis of BeXRB eRASSU J050810.4-660653 recently discovered in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) , MNRAS, 518 ,893. 330. M. Ghising, Md. Tobrej, B. Rai, R. Tamang, B. C. Paul (2022) NuSTAR observation of X-ray pulsar 1E 1145.1-6141 , MNRAS, 517 , 4132. 331. B. Rai, M. Ghising, R. Tamang, Md. Tobrej and B. C. Paul (2022) Spectral and Timing properties of the recently discovered Be/X-ray pulsar eRASSUJ 052914.9-662446 , MNRAS, 517 , 4092. 332. Mohammed Tobrej, Manoj Ghising, Binay Rai, Ruchi Tamang, Bikash Chandra Paul (2022) Spectral and timing analysis of Be/X-ray binary EXO 2030+375 during its giant 2021 , MNRAS, 515 , 5407. 333. M. Ghising, R. Tamang, Md Tobrej, B. Rai, B. C. Paul (2023) Supercritical accretion inBeXRBSXP 15.3 , MNRAS, 520, 3396. 334. A. Chanda, A. Halder, A. S. Majumdar, B. C. Paul, (2023) Late time cosmology in f(RG) gravity with exponential interactions , EPJC, 83 , 23. 335. R. Sengupta, B. C. Paul, M. Kalam (2023) Lorentzian wormholes in an emergent universe , CQGr, 40 ,095009. 336. Md. Tobrej, Bi. Rai, M. Ghising, R. Tamang, BikashChandraPaul (2023) A high-mass X-ray binary pulsar 4U 1907+09 with multiple absorption-line features in the spectrum , MNRAS, 518 , 4861. 337. S. Salunkhe, S. Paul , G. Krishna, S. Sonkamble, S. Bhagat (2022) Deciphering the ultra-steep-spectrum diffuse radio sources discovered in the cool-core cluster Abell 980 , A&A, 664 , A186. DoI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202243438 338. Gopal-Krishna, S. Paul , S Salunkhe, S Sonkamble (2022) The radio source in Abell 980: A Detached-Double-Double Radio Galaxy? , PASA, 39 , e049. DoI: https://doi.org/10.1017/pasa.2022.30 339. Yogesh Wadadekar, Dipankar Bhattacharya, Abhirup Datta, SurajitPaul , Divya Oberoi (2023) Plans for building a prototype SKA regional centre in India , JApA, 44 , 9. DoI: 10.1007/s12036-022-09897-6 340. A. Pradhan , V. K. Bharadwaj, P. Garg, and S. Krishnannair, (2022) FRW cosmological models with Barrow holographic dark energy inBrans-Dicke theory, IJGMMP, 19 , 2250106.