35th Annual Report (2022-2023) - ENGLISH

193 uncertainty principle along with first-order corrected entropy, MPLA, 37 , 2250131. DOI : 10.1142/S0217732322501310. 26. M. Bandyopadhyay and Ritabrata Biswas (2023), Impacts of modified Chaplygin gas on super-massive neutron stars embedded in quintessence field with f (T) gravity, IJMPD, 32 , 2350006. DOI : 10.1142/S0218271823500062 27. C. Chakraborty, S. Bhattacharyya (2022) Primordial Black Holes having Gravitomagnetic Monopole , PhRvD, 106 , 103028. 28. Shyam Das, Koushik Chakraborty , Lipi Baskey, Saibal Ray (2023) A study on the effect of anisotropy under Finch-Skea geometry, ChJPh, 81 , 362. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cjph.2022.09.010 29. Koushik Chakraborty , Farook Rahaman, Saibal Ray, Banashree Sen, Debabrata Deb. (2022) Galactic Wormhole under Lovelock Gravity, Univ, 8 , 581. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/universe8110581. 30. Shyam Das, Koushik Chakraborty , Bikram Keshari Parida, Saibal Ray (2022) Anisotropic Compact Star with a Linear Pressure-Density Relationship , IJMPD, 31 , 2250053. DOI: 10.1142/S0218271822500535. 31. A. Bose and S. Chakraborty (2022) Does fractal Universe favour warm inflation: Observational support? , NuPhB, 978 , 115767. 32. A. Bose, G. Sardar and S. Chakraborty (2022) Analytic Solutions and Observational support: A study of f(R,T) gravity with f(R,T) =R+ h(T) , PDU, 37 ,101087. 33. S. Maity and S. Chakraborty (2022 ) Is cosmic evolution process with diffusive fluid equivalent to a Heat Engine? , AnPh, 444 , 169045. 34. A. Dutta, D. Roy and S. Chakraborty (2022) The role of closed timelike curves in particle motion within van Stockum spacetime: A generalization , IJMPD, 31 ,2250096. 35. R. Bhaumik, S. Dutta and S. Chakraborty (2022) Quantum Cosmology for double scalar field cosmological model: Symmetry Analysis , IJMPA ,37 ,2250154. 36. D. Roy, A. Dutta and S. Chakraborty (2022) Does violation of cosmic no-hair conjecture guarantee the existence of warmhole? ,EPL ,140, 19002. 37. R. Bhaumik, S. Dutta and S. Chakraborty (2022) Study of Noether symmetry analysis for a cosmological model with variable gravity theory ,EPJC, 82 , 1124. Gand A 38. D. Laya, S. Dutta and S. Chakraborty (2023) Quantum Cosmology in Coupled Brans-Dicke gravity: A Noether Symmetry Analysis , IJMPD, 32, 2350001. 39. G. Sardar, A. Bose and S. Chakraborty (2023) Observational constraints on f(R,T) gravitywith f(R,T)=R+h(T) , EPJC, 83 , 41. 40. M.Chakraborty, A. Bose and S. Chakraborty (2023) The Raychaudhuri equation in inhomogeneous FLRW space-time: A f(R) gravitymodel , PhyS, 98, 025007. 41. R. Bhaumik, M. Lakshmanan and S. Chakraborty (2022) Geomteric symmetries of the physical space of the Einstein- Skyrme model and quantum cosmology: A Noether Symmetry Analysis , MPLA, 37 ,2250242. 42. Anirban Dutta, G. C. Anupama, Nand Kumar Chakradhari , and D. K. Sahu (2022) Can the violent merger of white dwarfs explain the slowest declining Type Ia supernova SN 2011aa? , ApJL, 938 , 22. 43. Ankur Ghosh, Kuntal Misra, S. V. Cherukuri, L. Resmi, K. G. Arun, Amitesh Omar, Dimple, N. K. Chakradhari (2022 ) Modeling the late-time merger ejecta emission in short gamma ray bursts , JApA, 43 , 66. 44. Kumar, Ritish, Hum Chand and Joshi, Ravi (2023) Evidence of underdeveloped torus and broad-line region of weak emission line quasars based on their spectral energy distribution , MNRAS, 519 , 3656. 45. Krishan Chand, Gopal-Krishna, Amitesh Omar and HumChand and P. S. Bisht (2023) The transience and persistence of high optical polarization state in beamed radio quasars , PASA, 40 , e006. 46. Gopal-Krishna, Krishan Chand, Hum Chand , Vibhore Negi, Sapna Mishra, S. Britzen, P. S. Bisht (2023) Intranight optical variability of low-mass active galactic nuclei: a pointer to blazar-like activity , MNRAS, 518 , L13. 47. Vineet Ojha, Vivek Kumar Jha, Hum Chand , Veeresh Singh (2022) Evidence of jet-induced optical microvariability in radio-loud narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies , MNRAS, 514 , 5607. 48. Vivek Kumar Jha, Ravi Joshi, HumChand , Xue-Bing Wu, Luis C Ho, Shantanu Rastogi, Qinchun Ma (2022) Accretion disc sizes from continuum reverberation mapping of AGN selected from the ZTF survey , MNRAS, 511 , 3005. 49. Pooja Devi, Ramesh Chandra , Arun Kumar Awasthi, Brigitte Schmieder and Reetika Joshi (2022) Extreme-ultraviolet wave and accompanying loop oscillations , SoPh, 297 , 153. 50. Reetika Joshi, Manuel Luna, Brigitte Schmieder, Fernando Moreno-Insertis and Ramesh Chandra (2023) Interaction of