35th Annual Report (2022-2023) - ENGLISH

188 Bhattacharya (2022) Experimental verification of off-axis polarimetry with cadmiumzinc telluride detectors of AstroSat- CZT Imager, JATIS, 8, 038005. 145. Divya Rawat , Ranjeev Misra , Pankaj Jain, J S Yadav (2022) Time-resolved spectroscopy on the heartbeat state of GRS 1915+105 using AstroSat , MNRAS, 511 , 1841. 146. Smriti Mahajan, Kulinder Pal Singh, Juhi Tiwari and Somak Raychaudhury (2023) Dashing through the cluster: An X-ray to radio view of UGC 10420 undergoing ram-pressure stripping , PASA, 40 , e009. 147. Ruchika Seth, Ewan O'Sullivan, Biny Sebastian, Somak Raychaudhury , et al. (2022) The contribution of non-central radio galaxies to AGN feedback in rich galaxy clusters , MNRAS, 513 , 3273. 148. Shouvik Roy Choudhury , Steen Hannestad and Thomas Tram (2022) Massive neutrino self-interactions and inflation , JCAP, 10(2022) , 18. 149. Stefano Gariazzo, …, Shouvik Roy Choudhury , et al. (2022) Neutrino mass and mass ordering: no conclusive evidence for normal ordering , JCAP, 10(2022) , 10. 150. M.Pursiainen, …, R. Roy , et al. (2022) SN 2018bsz: A Type I superluminous supernova with aspherical circumstellar material , A&A, 666 , A30. 151. K Medler, …, R. Roy , et al. (2022) SN 2020acat: an energetic fast rising Type IIb supernova , MNRAS, 513 , 5540. 152. Abhishek Paswan, Kanak Saha , Anshuman Borgohain, Claus Leitherer, and Suraj Dhiwar (2022) Unveiling an Old Disk around a Massive Young Leaking Blueberry in SDSS-IV MaNGA , ApJ, 929 , 50. 153. Divya Pandey, Kanak Saha , Ananta C. Pradhan, and Sugata Kaviraj (2022) Central Star Formation in Early-type Galaxy I Zw 81 in theBootes Void , ApJ, 941 , 128. 154. Suraj Dhiwar, Kanak Saha , Avishai Dekel, Abhishek Paswan, Divya Pandey, Arianna Cortesi, Mahadev Pandge (2023) Witnessing the star formation quenching in L ellipticals , * MNRAS, 518 , 4943. 155. Joel Roediger, Michael Balogh, Kanak Saha , et al. (2023) Galaxy Evolution Science with the CASTOR Mission , BAAS, 55 , No. 2 e-id 2023n2i461p03. 156. Sheeraz A Khanday, Kanak Saha , Nasser Iqbal, Suraj Dhiwar, Isha Pahwa (2022) Morphology, colour–magnitude, and scaling relations of galaxies in Abell 426 , MNRAS, 515 , 5043. 157. Soumavo Ghosh, Kanak Saha , Chanda J. Jog, Francoise Combes, Paola Di Matteo (2022) Genesis of morpho-kinematic lopsidedness inminormerger of galaxies , MNRAS, 511 , 5878. 158. G. Martin, …, K. Saha , et al. (2022) Preparing for low surface brightness science with the Vera C. Rubin Observatory: Characterization of tidal features from mock images , MNRAS, 513 , 1459. 159. Anshuman Borgohain, Kanak Saha , Bruce Elmegreen, Rupjyoti Gogoi, Francoise Combes & Shyam N. Tandon (2022) Extended far-ultraviolet emission in distant dwarf galaxies , Natur, 607 , 459. 160. Yuri Shtanov, Varun Sahni and Swagat S. Mishra (2023) Tabletop potentials for inflation from f(R) gravity , JCAP, 2023(03) , 23. 161. P. Dabhade, T. W. Shimwell, J. Bagchi , D. J. Saikia , F. Combes, M. Gaikwad, H. J. A. Röttgering, A. Mohapatra, C. H. Ishwara- Chandra, H. T. Intema and S. Raychaudhury (2022) Barbell- shaped giant radio galaxy with ∼ 100 kpc kink in the jet , A&A, 668 , A64. 162. D. J. Saikia (2022) Jets in radio galaxies and quasars: an observational perspective , JApA, 43 , 97. 163. Mousumi Mahato, Pratik Dabhade, D. J. Saikia , Françoise Combes, Joydeep Bagchi , L. C. Ho and Somak Raychaudhury (2022) Search and analysis of giant radio galaxies with associated nuclei (SAGAN) - III: New insights into giant radio quasars , A&A, 660 , A59. 164. Pratik Dabhade, D. J. Saikia and Mousumi Mahato (2023) Decoding the giant extragalactic radio sources , JApA, 44 , 13. 165. Swarnim Shirke , Suprovo Ghosh and Debarati Chatterjee (2023) Constraining the Equation of State of Hybrid Stars Using Recent Information from Multidisciplinary Physics , ApJ, 944 , 7. 166. Petri J. Käpylä, Nishant K. Singh (2022) Turbulent Prandtl number from isotropically forced turbulence, JFM, 952 , R1. 167. Frederick A. Gent, Mordecai-Mark Mac Low, Maarit J. Korpi- Lagg, and Nishant K. Singh (2023) The Small-scale Dynamo in aMultiphase Supernova-drivenMedium , ApJ, 943, 176. 168. M. Waidele, M. Roth, N. K. Singh & P. J. Käpylä (2023) On Strengthening of the Solar f-Mode Prior to Active Region EmergenceUsing the Fourier-Hankel Analysis , SoPh, 298 , 30.