35th Annual Report (2022-2023) - ENGLISH

185 68. Siddharth Maharana , Ramya M. Anche, Anamparambu N. Ramaprakash , Bhushan Joshi , at al. (2023) WALOP-South: a four-camera one-shot imaging polarimeter for PASIPHAE survey. Paper II – polarimetric modeling and calibration , JATIS, 8 , 038004. 69. V. Pelgrims, …, S. Maharana , A. N. Ramaprakash , et al. (2023) Starlight-polarization-based tomography of the magnetized ISM: PASIPHAE's line-of-sight inversion method , A&A, 670 , A164. 70. M. Sampoorna, A. Megha and H. D. Supriya (2022) Influence of Thomson Electron Scattering Redistribution on Spectral Line Polarization Formed in Spherically Symmetric Extended and Expanding Atmospheres , ApJ, 937 , 25. 71. A. Audibert, C. Ramos Almeida, S. García-Burillo, F. Combes, M. Bischetti, M. Meenakshi , D. Mukherjee , G. Bicknell and A. Y. Wagner (2023) Jet-induced molecular gas excitation and turbulence in the Teacup , A&A, 671 , L12. 72. Ashish A. Mhaske , Joydeep Bagchi , Bhal Chandra Joshi, Joe Jacob, K. T. Paul (2022) A Bose horn antenna radio telescope (BHARAT) design for 21 cm hydrogen line experiments for radio astronomy teaching , AmJPh, 90 (12), 948. 73. Himansh Rathore, Kavin Kumar, Preetish K. Mishra , Yogesh Wadadekar, Omkar Bait (2022) Star-forming S0 Galaxies in SDSS-MaNGA: fading spirals or rejuvenated S0s? , MNRAS, 513 , 389. 74. Brajesh Kumar, Vibhore Negi, Bhavya Ailawadhi, SapnaMishra , Bikram Pradhan, Kuntal Misra, Paul Hickson & Jean Surdej (2022) Upcoming 4m ILMT facility and data reduction pipeline testing, JApA, 43 , 10. 75. Sapna Mishra and Sowgat Muzahid (2022) Discovery of a Cool, Metal-rich Gas Reservoir in the Outskirts of z ≈ 0.5 Clusters, ApJ, 933 , 229. 76. Gopal-Krishna, Krishan Chand, Hum Chand, Vibhore Negi, Sapna Mishra , S Britzen, P S Bisht (2023) Intranight optical variability of low-mass active galactic nuclei: a pointer to blazar-like activity , MNRAS, 518 , L13. 78. Gitika Mall, Jithesh Vadakkumthani and Ranjeev Misra (2023) Broadband Spectral Properties of MAXI J1348–630 using AstroSat Observations , RAA, 23 , 5015. 79. Vanzarmawii Chhangte, Jayashree Roy, Ranjeev Misra , Lalthakimi Zadeng (2022) AstroSat detection of a quasi- periodic oscillation at ∼ 42Hz inCygnus X-2 , MNRAS, 512 , L11. 80. Raj Kumar, Subir Bhattacharyya, Nilay Bhatt, Ranjeev Misra (2022) Estimation of spin and mass of the black hole in MAXI J1348–630 from the soft state using NICER and NuSTAR observations , MNRAS, 513 , 4869. 81. Samuzal Barua, V. Jithesh, Ranjeev Misra , Biman J. Medhi, Oluwashina Adegoke (2022) Correlated variability of the reflection fractionwith the X-ray flux and spectral index for Mrk 478 , MNRAS, 517 , 801. 82. Ankur Nath, Biplob Sarkar, Jayashree Roy, Ranjeev Misra (2022) Astro Sat observation of rapid type-I thermos nuclear burst from low-mass X-ray binary GX3+1 , JApA, 43 , 93. 83. S. P. Mudambi, S. B. Gudennavar, R. Misra , S. G. Bubbly (2022) Spectral characteristics of the black hole binary 4U 1957+115: amulti mission perspective , MNRAS, 517 , 4489. 84. Ashish Kumar Meena, Anuj Mishra , Anupreeta More , Sukanta Bose , Jasjeet Singh Bagla (2022) Gravitational lensing of gravitational waves: Probability of microlensing in galaxy- scale lens population , MNRAS, 517 , 872. 85. Ayan Mitra , Richard Kessler, Surhud More , Renee Hlozek, and The LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration (2023) Using Host Galaxy Photometric Redshifts to Improve Cosmological Constraints with Type Ia Supernovae in the LSST Era , ApJ, 944 , 212. 86. Fotios K. Anagnostopoulos, Alfio Bonanno, Ayan Mitra , and Vasilios Zarikas (2022) Swiss-cheese cosmologies with variable G and Λ from the renormalization group , PhRvD, 105 , 083532. 87. E. K. Maina, Abhisek Mohapatra , G. I. G. Józsa, N. Gupta , F. Combes, P. Deka, J D Wagenveld, R Srianand , et al. (2022) Mapping H I 21-cm in the Klemola 31 group at z = 0.029: emission and absorption towards PKS 2020−370, MNRAS, 516 , 2050. 88. Ranjan Kumar, Ananta C Pradhan, M Parthasarathy, Sonika Piridi, Santi Cassisi, Devendra K Ojha , Abhisek Mohapatra , Jayant Murthy (2022) Study of UV bright sources in globular cluster NGC 4590 using Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (UVIT) observations , MNRAS, 511 , 5070. 89. Chayan Mondal , Kanak Saha , Rogier A. Windhorst, and Rolf A. Jansen (2023) Observed UV Continuum Slopes ( β ) of Galaxies at z =0.40–0.75 in the GOODS-North Field , ApJ, 946 , 90. 90. Chayan Mondal , Kanak Saha , Souradeep Bhattacharya , Anshuman Borgohain, ShyamN. Tandon , Marc Rafelski, Rolf A.