35th Annual Report (2022-2023) - ENGLISH

184 46. AkashGarg , RanjeevMisra , Somasri Sen (2022) On the energy dependence of the QPO phenomenon in the black hole system MAXI J1535-571 , MNRAS, 514 , 3285. 47. Ritesh Ghosh , Sibasish Laha, Kunal Deshmukh, Varun Bhalerao, Gulab C. Dewangan , and Ritaban Chatterjee (2022) The Origin of the Vanishing Soft X-Ray Excess in the Changing- look Active GalacticNucleusMrk 590 , ApJ, 937 , 31. 48. Sibasish Laha, …, Ritesh Ghosh , et al. (2022) A Radio, Optical, UV, and X-Ray View of the Enigmatic Changing-look Active Galactic Nucleus 1ES 1927+654 from Its Pre- to Postflare States , ApJ, 931 , 5. 49. Sibasish Laha, …, RiteshGhosh , et al. (2022) Limits on the Hard X-Ray Emission from the Periodic Fast Radio Burst FRB 180916.J0158+65, ApJ, 929 , 173. 50. KauanD. Marquez, Mateus R. Pelicer, SuprovoGhosh , Debarati Chatterjee , Veronica Dexheimer and Débora P. Menezes (2022) Exploring the effects of Delta-baryons in magnetars, PhRvC, 106 , 035801. 51. Suprovo Ghosh , Dhruv Pathak , Debarati Chatterjee (2023) Relativistic correction to the r-mode frequency in light of multi-messenger constraints , ApJ, 944 , 53. 52. Tathagata Ghosh , Bhaskar Biswas, and Sukanta Bose (2022 ) Simultaneous inference of neutron star equation of state and the Hubble constant with a population of merging neutron stars , PhRvD, 106 , 123529. 53. F. Combes, N. Gupta , S. Muller, S. Balashev, P. P. Deka, K. L. Emig, H.-R. Klöckner, D. Klutse, K. Knowles, A. Mohapatra , E. Momjian, P. Noterdaeme, P. Petitjean, P. Salas, R. Srianand and J. D. Wagenveld (2023) PKS 1413+135: OH and H I at z = 0.247 withMeerKAT , A&A, 671 , A43. 54. Kimberly L. Emig, Neeraj Gupta , …, Abhisek Mohapatra , Pasquier Noterdaeme, Patrick Petitjean, Raghunathan Srianand , and Jonah D. Wagenveld (2023) Discovery of Hydrogen Radio Recombination Lines at z = 0.89 toward PKS 1830-211 , ApJ, 944 , 93. 55. N. Gupta , R. Srianand , E. Momjian, G. Shukla , F. Combes, J.-K. Krogager, P. Noterdaeme, and P. Petitjean (2022) Hi Gas Playing Hide-and-seek around a Powerful FRI-type Quasar at z ∼ 2.1 , ApJL, 927 , L24. 56. N. Gupta , G. Shukla , R. Srianand , J.-K. Krogager, et al. (2022) MALS SALT-NOT survey of MIR-selected powerful radio bright AGNat 0<z<3.5 , ApJ, 929 , 108. 57 . Erin Boettcher, Neeraj Gupta , Hsiao-Wen Chen, Mandy C. Chen, ..., Raghunathan Srianand , et al. (2022) Discovery of a damped Ly α absorber originating in a spectacular interacting dwarf galaxy pair at z =0.026 , ApJL, 926 , L33. 58. Varsha P. Kulkarni, David V. Bowen, Lorrie A. Straka, Donald G. York, Neeraj Gupta , Pasquier Noterdaeme, and Raghunathan Srianand (2022) Damped Ly α Absorbers in Star-forming Galaxies at z < 0.15 Detected with the Hubble Space Telescope and Implications for Galactic Evolution , ApJ, 929 , 150. 59. K. M. Rajwade, …, N. Gupta , …, R. Srianand , et al. (2022) First discoveries and localizations of Fast Radio Bursts with MeerTRAP: real-time, commensal MeerKAT survey , MNRAS, 514 , 1961. 60. T. Westmeier, …, N. Gupta , et al. (2022) WALLABY pilot survey: Public release of H I data for almost 600 galaxies fromphase 1 of ASKAPpilot observations ; PASA, 39 , e058. 61. Krogager, Jens-Kristian, …, Neeraj Gupta , …, Raghunathan Srianand , et al. (2023) The 4MOST–Gaia Purely Astrometric Quasar Survey (4G-PAQS), Msngr, 190 , 38. 62. Anju Panthi, Kaushar Vaidya, Vikrant Jadhav , Khushboo K. Rao, Annapurni Subramaniam, Manan Agarwal, and Sindhu Pandey (2022 ) UOCS–VIII. UV study of the open cluster NGC2506using ASTROSAT , MNRAS, 516 , 5318. 63. Soummyadip Basak, Aditya Kumar Sharma, Shasvath J. Kapadia and Parameswaran Ajith (2023) Prospects for the Observation of Continuous Gravitational Waves from Spinning Neutron Stars Lensed by the Galactic Supermassive Black Hole , ApJL, 942 , L31. 64. Siddharth Chaini, Atharva Bagul, Anish Deshpande, Rishi Gondkar, Kaushal Sharma, M Vivek, Ajit Kembhavi (2023) Photometric identification of compact galaxies, stars, and quasars usingmultiple neural networks , MNRAS, 518 , 3123. 65. Ajit Kembhavi & Rohan Pattnaik (2022) Machine learning in astronomy , JApA, 43 , 76. 66. Max W J Beard, Ian M McHardy, Kavita Kumari , Gulab C. Dewangan , Iossif Papadakis , Dipankar Bhattacharya , Kulinder Pal Singh, Daniel Kynoch, Mayukh Pahari (2023) Time- scale-dependent X-ray to UV time lags of NGC 4593 using high-intensity XMM–Newton observations with Swift and AstroSat , MNRAS, 519 , 91. 67. Sourabh Magare , Abhinash Kumar Roy and Varun Srivastava (2022) 1D Isingmodel using the Kronecker sumand Kronecker product , EJPh, 43 , 035102.