35th Annual Report (2022-2023) - ENGLISH

183 23. Khushboo K. Rao, Souradeep Bhattacharya , Kaushar Vaidya, Manan Agarwal (2023) Discovery of double BSS sequences in the oldGalactic open cluster Berkeley 17 , MNRAS, 518 , L7. 24. Souradeep Bhattacharya , Khushboo K. Rao, Manan Agarwal, Shanmugha Balan, Kaushar Vaidya (2022) A Gaia EDR search 3 for tidal tails in disintegrating open clusters , MNRAS, 517 , 3525. 25. Souradeep Bhattacharya , Magda Arnaboldi, Nelson Caldwell, Ortwin Gerhard, Chiaki Kobayashi, Johanna Hartke, Kenneth C Freeman, Alan W McConnachie, Puragra Guhathakurta (2022) The survey of planetary nebulae in Andromeda (M31) – IV. Radial oxygen and argon abundance gradients of the thin and thicker disc , MNRAS, 517 , 2343. 26. Magda Arnaboldi, Souradeep Bhattacharya , et al. (2022) The survey of planetary nebulae in Andromeda (M31): V. Chemical enrichment of the thin and thicker discs of Andromeda: Oxygen to argon abundance ratios for planetary nebulae and HII regions , A&A, 666 , 14. 27. J. Hartke, …, S. Bhattacharya (2022) The halo of M 105 and its group environment as traced by planetary nebula populations II. Using kinematics of single stars to unveil the presence of intragroup light around the Leo I galaxies NGC 3384 and M 105* , A&A, 663, A12. 28. Bhaskar Biswas and Sayak Datta (2022) Constraining neutron star properties with a new equation of state insensitive approach , PhRvD, 106 , 043012. 29. Fatemeh Hossein Nouri, Sukanta Bose , Matthew D. Duez, and Abhishek Das (2022) Nonlinear mode-tide coupling in coalescing binary neutron stars with relativistic corrections , PhRvD, 106 , 083001. 30. BikramKeshari Pradhan, Debarati Chatterjee , Michael Lanoye, and Prashanth Jaikumar (2022) General relativistic treatment of f-mode oscillations of hyperonic stars , PhRvC, 106 , 015805. 31. Bikram Keshari Pradhan, Debarati Chatterjee , Radhika Gandhi, Jürgen Schaffner-Bielich, (2023) Role of vector self- interaction inNeutronStar properties , NuPhA, 1030 , 122578. 32. Bikram Keshari Pradhan, Aditya Vijaykumar, Debarati Chatterjee (2023) Impact of updated Multipole Love numbers and f-Love Universal Relations in the context of Binary Neutron Stars , PhRvD, 107 , 023010. 33. CompOSE Core Team, S.Typel, M. Oertel, T.Klähn, D. Chatterjee , et al. (2022) CompOSE reference manual: Version3.01, CompStar Online Supernovæ Equations of State, harmonising the concert of nuclear physics and astrophysics , EPJA, 58 , 221. 34. Sun i l Choudha r y , Anup r e e t a Mo r e , Sudhaga r Suyamprakasam , and Sukanta Bose (2023) Deep learning network to distinguish binary black hole signals from short- duration noise transients , PhRvD, 107 , 024030. 35. Sajal Mukherjee, Naresh Dadhich (2022) Pure Gauss–Bonnet NUT black hole solution: I , EPJC, 82 , 302. 36. Naresh Dadhich (2022) On space–time structure and the Universe: some issues of concept and principle , PTRSA, 380(2230) , article id.20210405. 37. Sayak Datta (2022) Probing horizon scale quantum effects with Love , CQGra, 39 , 225016. 38. J. C. Andrianjafy, N. Heeralall-Issur, A. A. Deshpande , K. Golap, et al. (2023) Image plane detection of FRB121102 with the MeerKAT radio telescope , MNRAS, 518 , 3462. 39. Alex G. Markowitz, …, GulabC. Dewangan , et al. (2022) Rapid X- ray variability in Mkn 421 during a multiwavelength campaign, MNRAS, 513 , 1662. 40. Swadesh Chand, G. C. Dewangan , Parijat Thakur, Prakash Tripathi , and V. K. Agrawal (2022) AstroSat View of the Newly Discovered X-Ray Transient MAXI J1803–298 in the Hard- intermediate State , ApJ, 933 , 69. 41. Aditya S. Mondal, B. Raychaudhuri, G. C. Dewangan , Aru Beri (2022) Evidence of hard power-law spectral cutoff and disc reflection features from the X-ray transient XTE J1739–285 , MNRAS, 516 , 1256. 42. Savithri H. Ezhikode, Amit Shukla, GulabC. Dewangan , Pramod K. Pawar, Sushmita Agarwal, Blesson Mathew, and Akhil Krishna R. (2022) Long-term Optical and γ -Ray Variability of theBlazar PKS 1222+216 , ApJ, 939 , 76. 43. Dheeraj R. Pasham, …, Gulab Dewangan , …, Priyanka Rani , et al. (2023) The Birth of a Relativistic Jet Following the Disruption of a Star by aCosmological BlackHole , NatAs, 7 , 88. 44. Saee Dhawalikar , Christoph Federrath, Seth Davidovits, Romain Teyssier, Sabrina R Nagel, Bruce A Remington, David C Collins (2022) The driving mode of shock-driven turbulence , MNRAS, 514 , 1782. 45. Sanjeev Dhurandhar , Prasanna Joshi, and Massimo Tinto (2022) Varied avatars of time-delay interferometry , PhRvD, 105 , 084063.