35th Annual Report (2022-2023) - ENGLISH

180 celestial bodies, X-ray binaries, Black Holes, Gravitational waves, Dark Energy, Space Weather, Solar Physics, Extra-Solar Planets, Galaxies, Cosmology, and Python. They were also informed about their career and opportunities in astronomy. A group of students demonstrated the use of python in Astronomy by taking examples such as PL relation and distancemeasurements, use of HR diagram in main-sequence fit method, Hubble's expansion law and age of the Universe, Kepler's law and Planetary motion etc. Some students displayed their knowledge and art through Rangoli and painting competitions. Students who outperformed were rewarded. Skywatching program was organized in the evening. Besides the workshop participants, many nearby families, including kids, joined sky watching enthusiastically. It was amatter of curiosity for some of the participants to see the planet Saturn and Jupiter, for the first time, the response was overwhelming. There were 80 offline participants and 135 online participants. Prof. Dipankar Banerjee (Director, ARIES Nainital and President ASI) gave an important lecture on Solar Physics and Aditya-L1 mission. Prof. G. C. Anupama (Visiting Professor, Former Dean & Senior Professor, IIA Bengaluru) gave an important lecture on thermonuclear supernovae (16- 18March 2023). We have initiated a TARE (Training in Astronomy Research and Education) programme in nearby colleges. A one-day workshop TARE-2022 was organized at Govt. College Dharsiwa, Raipur on 28 November 2022. Telescope demonstration andSkywatchingwas held in the evening. 1. Type Ia supernovae SN 2013bz, PSN J0910+5003 and ASASSN-16ex: similar to 09dc-like? Tiwari S., Chakradhari N. K., Sahu D. K., Anupama G.C., Kumar B., and Sahu K.R., 2023, MNRAS, 521, 5207. NSSEMA2023 TARE 4. List of publications 2. Search for merger ejecta emission from late time radio observations of short GRBs using GMRT, Ghosh Ankur, Vaishnava C. S., Resmi L., Misra Kuntal, Arun K. G., Omar Amitesh, Chakradhari N. K., 2023, MNRAS, arXiv: 2207.10001. 3. Can the violent merger of white dwarfs explain the slowest declining Type Ia supernova SN 2011aa? Dutta Anirban, Anupama G C, Chakradhari N K, Sahu D K, 2022, ApJL, 938, 22. 4. Modeling the late-time merger ejecta emission in short gamma ray bursts, Ankur Ghosh, Kuntal Misra, S. V. Cherukuri, L. Resmi, K. G. Arun, Amitesh Omar, Dimple, N. K. Chakradhari, 2022, Journal of Astrophysics & Astronomy, 43, 66. 5. UV- Optical studies of Super- Chandrasekhar/09dc-like type Ia Supernovae, Shrutika Tiwari, N. K. Chakradhari, D.K. Sahu, G. C. Anupama, B. Kumar, K. R. Sahu. Poster, NSSEMA- 2023, PRSU Raipur, 16-18th March 2023, (awardedwith second prize). 6. Luminous type Ia Supernova SN 2013bz, Shrutika Tiwari, N. K. Chakradhari, D.K. Sahu, G. C. Anupama and K. R. Sahu. Poster, ASI- 2023,IITIndore,1-5March2023. 7. Photometric and spectroscopic studies of type Ia supernova SN 2013bz, Shrutika Tiwari, N. K. Chakradhari, D. K. Sahu, G. C. Anupama, K. R. Sahu. Poster, Young Astronomers' Meet 2022, ARIES Nainital, 9-13 November 2022. 8. Can the violent mergers of white dwarfs explain the slowest decline Type Ia supernova SN 2011aa, Anirban Dutta, N K Chakradhari, G C Anupama, D K Sahu. Poster, International workshop on Time Domain and Multi-Messenger Astrophysics (TDAMM), NASA Physics of the Cosmos Program, Annapolis, MD USA, 22-24August 2022. 5. Outreach programmes Talks/publiclectures Skywatchingprogrammes (I) 27 Feb 2023: The amazing sky, at Govt. Rajiv Lochan P.G. College, Rajim (ii) 23 Feb 2023: The world of Stars, at Govt. D.B. Girls P.G. College, Raipur (iii) 17 Feb 2023: Global Science for Global Wellbeing - The Science of Stars, at SPCA College, Nawapara-Rajim (iv) 28 November 2022: Understanding the Sky, Govt. College Dharsiwa, Raipur (v) 15- 18 October 2022: The legacy of Physics & Astrophysics at Pt. R.S. University, Raipur, STAR-2022 International workshop (vi) 02 May 2022: Explosions in the cosmos: Supernovae, at Physics Department, Kalinga University, Raipur (vii) 16-18 March 2023: Time Resolved Spectral Analysis of an eclipsing High Mass X-ray Binary 4U 1118- 60 over a full binary orbit with ASTROSAT (by Pravat Dangal) at NSSEMA-2023 PRSU Raipur (viii) 15-18 October 2022: Template fitting on type Ia supernova light curves (by Shrutika Tiwari) at STAR-2022PRSURaipur. (I) Govt. P.G. College, Rajim(27 Feb 2023) (ii) SPCA College, Nawapara-Rajim (17 Feb 2023) (iii) NIT, Raipur on02 and03 Feb 2023 (iv) Partial Lunar Eclipse on 08 November 2022 (v) Partial Solar Eclipse on 25 October 2022 (vi) SoS in Physics & Astrophysics on 16 April 2022.