35th Annual Report (2022-2023) - ENGLISH

176 Areasofresearch: ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ One/two paragraphs about the research workdoneinICARD: (I) Talksorganized: Interstellar Dust, Active GalacticNuclei, Morphological Study of Galaxies, X-ray Astronomy, Solar Astronomy. Faculty members and PhD students of Department of Physics, Tezpur University have been involved in collaborative research workwith IUCAA facultymembers since long time. Since the inception of ICARD at Tezpur University, four students, Dr Gautam Saikia, Dr Aishawnnya Sharma, Dr. Pranjupriya Goswami and Dr. Rukaiya Khatoon have received their PhD degrees. All of them worked in collaboration with IUCAA faculty members. There are ongoing research work on Galaxy morphology, Active Galactic Nuclei and Solar Astronomy in active collaboration with IUCAA faculty members Prof. Ranjeev Misra, Prof. Kanak Saha and Prof. Durgesh Tripathi. Group members of Prof. Gazi Ameen Ahmed and Dr Rupjyoti Gogoi are involved in these collaborative research works. The students presently involved are Anshuman Borgohain, Janmejoy Sarkar and Hritwik Bora. Moreover, Dr Biplob Sarkar from Department of Applied Sciences and his PhD students Sree Bhattacherjee and Arbind Pradhan are also working in collaboration with Prof. Ranjeev Misra, IUCAA, Pune in the field of X-ray Astronomy. The Department of Applied Sciences was established under the School of Engineering, Tezpur University in 2019. List of any workshops/schools organized byICARD: (i) Talk on “Our dusty view of the Coordinator: Dr. Rupjyoti Gogoi ICARD, Department of Physics, Tezpur University, Tezpur: Activities from 01 April 2022 till 31 March 2023 Universe” on 17th November, 2022 by Dr. Shalima Puthiyaveettil, Manipal Centre for Natural S c i e n c e s , MA H E , Ma n i p a l , Karnataka. (ii) Talk on “Peeking into various astrophysical phenomena using th cosmic clocks” on 12 December, 2022 by Jaikhomba Singha, IIT Roorkee. He is an alumnus of Tezpur University. On February 3, 2023, we organized a school outreach programme at nearby Fakharuddin Ali Ahmed High School. The participants were from 8th to 10th standard. Our student volunteers tried to explain some basic astronomical ideas to give the students a preliminary flavor of the field of astronomy. Also, there were interactive sessions with the school students to address their queries on Astronomy as a subject and as a future career. WADA 2022 was organized by the Department of Physics, Jagannath Barooah College, Jorhat, Assam, during May 12-14, 2022. There were talks by IUCAA associates from Tezpur University. There were special talks by faculty members of different colleges of Assam, who worked in collaboration with IUCAA faculty members during their PhD at Tezpur University. There were hands on sessions on astronomical data analysis conducted by Research Scholars of Tezpur University. (ii) SchoolOutreach: (iii) Events organized in collaboration withICARD,TezpurUniversity: th (I) 4 IUCAAsponsoredWorkshopon Astronomical Data Analysis (WADA2022): (ii) North East Meet of Astronomers (NEMA): Department of Physics, Tezpur University, in association with IUCAA, Pune initiated a series of meetings in 2015 to promote interaction and collaborations among Astronomers of North East India with a name “North East Meet of Astronomers (NEMA)”. The idea of such meetings is to bring together young researchers including faculty members, research scholars and advance level M.Sc. students on a single platform to share their current th and future research ideas. The 8 edition of NEMA was organized by Department of Physics, Manipur University during 21-23 November, 2022. ICARD, Tezpur University helped them in preparing the proposal and in conducting the event. Faculty members and students from different institutions of North East participated actively in the meeting. The meeting concluded with a lively interactive session conducted by Prof. Ranjeev Misra in blendedmode (online+offline). Members of ICARD, Tezpur University have published the following journal papers as collaborative efforts with IUCAA faculty members: (i) “Temporal and spectral study of P K S 0 2 0 8 − 5 1 2 d u r i n g t h e 2019–2020 flare”, Rukaiya Khatoon, Raj Prince, Zahir Shah, Sunder Sahayanathan, Rupjyoti Gogoi , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, volume 513, issue 1, June 2022, pages 611–623, published on 25 April 2022. (ii) “Extended far-ultraviolet emission in distant dwarf galaxies”, Anshuman List of publications by using ICARD facilities(2022-23):