35th Annual Report (2022-2023) - ENGLISH

174 Prof. Dipankar Banerjeedelivering the online lecture on “Variability of our nearest star: The SUN” for our university students. Prof. H. Chand delivering lecture on “From Atom to Cosmos” for degree college Dharamshala students. ResearchArea: ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ DATACentreActivities : List of Seminars/Workshops/Schools organized: Relativistic Astrophysics, Cosmology, Compact Objects, DATA analysis of X-ray Sources, Non-linear Dynamics Research Scholars are engaged to Analyze X-ray Data of NASA to investigate Different X-ray emmiting Pulsars. At present four Research Scholars are engaged in doing research using the facilities of the ICARD DATA Centre. It is proposed to use ASTROSAT-data from IUCAA soon. ICARD organized the following webinar during pandemic 1. National Seminar on General Relativity and Astronomy (November 21, 2022) 1. A one-day National Seminar on General Relativity and Astronomy organized by the IUCAA Centre of Coordinator: Dr. Bikash Chandra Paul ICARD, Physics Department, North Bengal University, Siliguri: Activities from 01 April 2022 till 31 March 2023 Astronomy Research and Development (ICARD) at Physics Department, North Bengal University (NBU) on Nov. 21, 2022 . Emi nen t Re l a t i v i s t and Astronomers delivered invited talks, N. Dadhich “Fundamental forces and their dynamics”, S. V. Dhurandhar “Ripples in Space-time”and A. N. Ramaprakash “Probing the 3D structure of galactic dust andmagnetic field” from IUCAA, Pune. A. Bhadra “A pursuit of the origin of Sagan Effect” from HECRC, NBU. The seminar was dedicated in the memory of Late Thanu Padmanabhan (Paddy). There were 95 students including research scholars and faculties from neighbouring collegesand university who actively participated the seminar. A brief introduction of the ICARD at NBU is introduced to the gathering by Dr. B. C. Paul, Coordinator of ICARD, NBU. Prof. Om Prakash Misra, Vice-Chancellor, North Bengal University welcome the distinguished scientists guests from IUCAA, Pune followed by a short description of IUCAA-NBU joint Programs by Profs. Naresh Dadhich and S. V. Dhurandhar at the inaugural talk. 2. Invited talk by B. C. Paul, “Cosmology : Present status” Exploring the Cosmos at HECRC, NBUon Feb. 15, 2023. 3. Outreach Program : “ Black Holes: Are they Real” at Surya Sen Mahavidyalaya, Siliguri by B. C. Paul on Feb 15, 2023 (K.C.P.M.S.H.) for undergraduate students. 1. B. C. Pau l, B. C. Roy, A. Saha, Bianchi-I anisotropic universe with Barrow holographic dark energy, Euro. Phy. Journal C82, 1-7 (2022). 2. A. Saha, A. Chanda, S. Dey, S. Ghose, B. C. Paul, R\'enyi Holographic Dark Energy Models In multidimensional Universe, IJGMMP, 192250043 (2022). 3. R. Deb, P. Mandal , B. C. Paul, Wormholes in f(R, T) – gravity with density dependent $B$ parameter in SQM, Euro Physics J Plus, 137 481 (2022). 4. B. C. Paul , S. D. Maharaj, A. Beesham, R e c o n s t r u c t i o n o f mo d i f i e d PublicationsbyusingICARDfacilities: