35th Annual Report (2022-2023) - ENGLISH

173 has been also used by employing various observation features such as: the variability on diverse scales, modeling of Spectral Energy distribution (SED) of AGNs etc. We also have an active research group in Neutrino Astrophysics especiallyworking on the solar neutrino problem. 1. Evidence of underdeveloped torus and broad-line region of weak emission line quasars based on their spectral energy distribution Ritish Kumar, and Hum Chand, and Ravi Joshi,, 2023, MNRAS, 519, 3656K 2. The transience and persistence of high optical polarization state in beamed radio quasars Krishan Chand, and Gopal-Krishna and Amitesh Omar, and Hum Chand , and Bisht, P.~S., 2023, PASA, 40, 6C 3. Intranight optical variability of low- mass active galactic nuclei: a pointer to blazar-like activity; Gopal-Krishna , Krishan Chand; Hum Chand , Vibhore ListofpublicationsusingICARD facilities Negi, Sapna Mishra, S. Britzen, P. S. Bisht, 2023, MNRAS, 518L, 13G 4. ”Muon (g-2) in U(1) LL Scotogenic Model Extended with Vector like Fermion” Simran Arora, Monal Kashav, Surender Verma, B.C. Chauhan , , Physica Scripta, Volume 98, Issue 2, id.025304, 12 pp, February 2023, 1 0 . 1 0 8 8 / 1 4 0 2 - 4 8 9 6 / a c b 3 2 b https://arxiv.org/abs/2206.12828. 5. “Muon (g-2) and W-boson mass Anomaly in a Model Based on Z4 Symmetry with Vector like Fermion” Simran Arora, Monal Kashav, Surender Verma, B.C. Chauhan ,, Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Volume 2022, November 2022, 113B06, https://doi.org/10.1093/ptep/ptac14. The IUCAA Centre for Astronomy Research and Development (ICARD) at Central University of Himachal Pradesh, and the Online course on Astronomy and Astrophysics : Astronomy Centre for Educators, IUCAA, has started an online introductory course on astronomy and astrophysics. This is for faculty members of higher educational institutions, with an emphasis on those from the Shivalik region. About 50 teachers from various colleges and Universities were selected for this online course. The course started on 22 March 2023 and lectures are held every week 6:30PM on Wednesday & Saturday untill May 31, 2023. Our Master and research degree students also take part in outreach activities under the department club namely Chandra-STAR (Science Technology & Astronomy Realization) club (e.g https://chandrastarclub.github.io/ ). The activities include arranging lectures (online/offline) and sky show for general public and school/college students, with a fewglimpses as below. Any outreach programmes, including public lectures/sky watch arranged by ICARD,etc : The sky-watching team during national Science day celebration in the department of Physics and Astronomical Science.