35th Annual Report (2022-2023) - ENGLISH

170 AreaofResearch: One/two paragraphs about the research workdoneinICARD: List of publications by using ICARD facilities: Astronomy, Astrophysics, Cosmology, History andPhilosophy of Science Prof. Anirudh Pradhan and Dr. Ashutosh Singh have been working in the field of cosmology, classical GR as well as Modified gravity theories whereas Prof. Saibal Ray have done researches in the field of Astrophysics andHistory of Science. 1. P. Garg, V.K. Bhardwaj and A. Pradhan , Barrow entropic quintessence and dilation dark energy models with generalized HDE cut-off, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 37 (2022) 2250217. 2. A. Dixit and A. Pradhan , Bulk Viscous Flat FLRW Model with Observational Constraints in f (T, B) Gravity, Universe 8 (2022) 650. 3. A. Pradhan , A. Dixit and D.C. Maurya, Qu i n t e s s ence Beha v i o r o f an Anisotropic Bulk Viscous 4. Cosmological Model in Modified f(Q)- Gravity, Symmetry 14 (2022) 2630. 5. R.R. Sahoo, K.L. Mahanta, S. Ray , Nonsingular Phantom Cosmology in Five-Dimensional f (R, T) Gravity, Universe 8 (2022) 573. 6. G. Mustafa, S.K. Maurya and S. Ray , On the possibility of generalized wormhole formation in the galactic halo due to dark matter using the observational data within the matter coupling gravity formalism, Astrophys. J. 941 (2022) 170. 7. K. Chakraborty, F. Rahaman, S. Ray , B. Sen and D. Deb, Galactic Wormhole under Lovelock Gravity, Universe 8 (2022) 581. 8. S. Ray , S. Ghosh and R Sengupta, Gravastar under the framework of braneworld gravity II: Effect of the Kuchowicz metric function, Mod. Phys. Lett. A 37 (2022) 2250195. 9. I . Bha t t acha r y ya and S . Ray , Accelerated motion in general relativity: fate of the singularity, Eur. Phys. J. C 82 (2022) 953. 10. S. Das, A. Panda, G. Manna and S. Ray, Raychaudhuri Equation in K-essence Geometry: Conditional Singular and Non-Singular Cosmological Models, Fortschr. Phys. 2023, 2200193. 11. P. Paul, R. Sengupta and S. Ray , Some studies onmodified power law inflation, Chin. Phys. C 47 (2023) 035107. 12. L. Baskey, S. Ray , S. Das and S. Majumder, Anisotropic Compact Stellar Solution in General Relativity, Eur. Phys. J. C 83 (2023) 307. 13. K.P. Das, U. Debnath and S. Ray , Dark Energy Star: Physical Constraints on the Bounds, Fortsch. Physik – Prog. Phys. 2023 , 2200148 . 14. S.K. Maurya, K.N. Singh, M. Govender a n d S . Ra y , C omp l e x i t y - F r e e Anisotropic Solution of Buchdahl's Model and Energy Exchange Between Relativistic Fluids by Extended Gravitational Decoupling, Fortsch. Physik –Prog. Phys. 2023, 2300023 . 15. M. Indra, K.K. Ghosh and S. Ray , Analytical study of ion-acoustic solitary waves in a magnetized plasma with degenerate electrons, Chin. J. Phys. 81 (2023) 325. Coordinator: Prof. Saibal Ray ICARD Department of Physics, CCASS, GLA University, Mathura: Activities from 01 April 2022 till 31 March 2023 16. J. Bulnes, S. Ray , R. Cruz-Santiago and J. López-Bonilla, Lorentz Transformation & the Intrinsic Geometry of a Time-like Curve in Minkowski Spacetime, Prespacetime J. 14 (2023) 354. 17. S.K. Maurya, K.N. Singh, M. Govender and S. Ray , Observational Constraints on Maximum Mass Limit and Physical Properties of Anisotropic Strange Star Models by Gravitational Decoupling in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet Gravity, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 519 (2023) 4303. 18. S. Das, K. Chakraborty, L. Baskey, S. Ray , A study on the effect of anisotropy under Finch-Skea geometry, Chin. J. Phys. 81 (2023) 362. 19. G. Manna, A. Panda, A. Karmakar, S. Ray , M.R. Islam, f(R,(L_x)) -gravity in the context of dark energy with power law expansion and energy conditions, Chin. J. Phys. 47 (2023), 025101. 20. S. Ray , U. Mukhopadhyay and S. Dhurde, IUCAA: genesis of a unique research centre, Eur. Phys. J. H 48, 1 (2023) 21. S. Gupta, A. Dixit and A. Pradhan , Tsallis holographic dark energy scenario in viscous f(Q) gravity with tachyon field, Int. J. Geom. Meth. Mod. Phys. 20 (2023) 2350021 22. S.H. Shekh, N. Myrzakulov, A. Pradhan and A. Mussatayeva, Observational Constraints on F(T , TG) Gravity with Hubble's Parametrization, Symmetry 15 (2023) 321. 23. V.K. Bhardwaj, A. Dixit and A. Pradhan , Bianchi type-V transitioning model in Brans–Dicke theory with observational constraints, Int. J. Geom. Meth. Mod. Phys. 20 (2023) 2350022.