35th Annual Report (2022-2023) - ENGLISH

161 (2022), Anisotropic compact star in modified Vaidya-Tikekar model admitting new solutions and maximum mass, Pramana-j of Phys., 96, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12043-022- 02355-6 8. Koushik Ballav Goswami, Anirban Saha and Pradip Kumar Chattopadhyay (2022), Dependence of maximum mass of strange star on finite strange quark mass (m ≠ 0), Class. Quantum s Grav., 39, 175006, DOI: h t t ps : / / do i . o r g / 10 . 1088 / 1361 - 6382/ac7f78 9. Koushik Ballav Goswami, Rohit Roy, Anirban Saha and Pradip Kumar Chattopadhyay (2022), Strange Quark Star (SQS) in Tolman IV potential with density dependent Β - parameter and charge, Euro. Phys. J. C, 82, 1042, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1140/epjc/s10052- 022-11009-1 10. Anirban Saha, Koushik Ballav Goswami, Bishnu Das and Pradip Kumar Chattopadhyay (2022), Effect of charge on the maximum mass of anisotropic strange quark star, Pramana-j of Phys., 97, 10, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12043-022- 02477-x 11. Anirban Saha, Koushik Ballav Goswami, Bishnu Das and Pradip Kumar Chattopadhyay (2023), Maximum mass of anisotropic charged strange quark stars in a higher dimensional approach (D ≥ 4), Chinese Physics C, 47, 1, 015105, DOI: h t t ps : / / do i . o r g / 10 . 1088 / 1674- 1137/ac9aaa 12. Bishnu Das, Koushik Ballav Goswami, Anirban Saha & Pradip Kumar Chattopadhyay (2023), Anisotropic Strange Quark Star (SQS) in Finch-Skea geometry and its maximum mass for non-zero strange quark mass (m ≠ 0), s Chinese Physics C, 47, 5, 055101, DOI: h t t ps : / / do i . o r g / 10 . 1088 / 1674- 1137/acb90f Outreach programmes, including public lectures/skywatcharrangedbyICARD: 1. Dr Ranjan Sharma participated in the 8th Conference of the Polish Society on Relativity (POTOR8), during 19-23 September 2022 in Warsaw, Poland and delivered a talk titled 'Stiffness, complexity, cracking and stability of relativistic compacts star'. 2. As an invited speaker, Dr Ranjan Sharma delivered a talk at a seminar titled “ Recent Trends in Modern Science” organised by Cooch Behar College, West Bengal, on 26 May 2022. The talk aimed at motivating undergraduate students to explore research opportunities in the field of astronomy, astrophysics and cosmology. 3. Dr Pradip Kumar Chattopadhyay presented a lecture on “Astronomy and Astrology: A basic difference” organised by “Paschimbanga Bigyan Mancha- North Bengal Unit” at Coochbehar Sadar School, Cooch Behar, West Bengal, on 17 February 2023 Glimpses of a seminar at ICARD, CBPBU during 22-23 November 2022