34th Annual Report (2021-22)

197 55. Shouvik Sadhukhan, Alokananda Kar, and Surajit Chattopadhyay (2021) Thermodynamic analysis for Non- linear system (Van-der-Waals EOS) with viscous cosmology , EPJC, 81 , 934. 56. Amrita Sarkar, and Surajit Chattopadhyay (2021) The barrow holographic dark energy-based reconstruction of f (R) gravity and cosmology with Nojiri–Odintsov cutoff , IJGMMP, 18, 2150148. 57. Goutami Chattopadhyay, Surajit Chattopadhyay , and Subrata Kumar Midya (2021) Fuzzy binary relation based elucidation of air quality over a highly polluted urban region of India, EScIn, 14 , 1625. 58. Sombit Chakraborty, and Surajit Chattopadhyay (2021) Exploring the Indian summer monsoon rainfall through multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis and the principle of entropymaximization , EScIn, 14 , 1571. 59. Aziza Altaibayeva, Gargee Chakraborty, and Surajit Chattopadhyay (2021) Variable generalized Chaplygin gas in f (Q) gravity and the inflationary cosmology , IJMPD, 30 , 2150119. 60. Alokananda Kar, Shouvik Sadhukhan, and Surajit Chattopadhyay (2021) Thermodynamics and energy condition analysis for Van-Der-Waals EOS without viscous cosmology , PhyS, 96 , 125024. 61. Amith Sharma, and Surajit Chattopadhyay (2021) Rescaled range analysis and conditional probability-based probe into the intrinsic pattern of rainfall over NorthMountainous India , J. Water Clim. Chang, 12 , 3675. 62. Rishu Verma, Monal Kashav, Ankush, Gazal Sharma, Surender Verma and B.C.Chauhan (2021) TextureOne ZeroModel Based on A4 Flavor Symmetry and its Implications to Neutrinoless DoubleBetaDecay , JNPMSRA, 9 , 67. 63. Ankush, Monal Kashav, Surender Verma, B.C. Chauhan (2022) Scotogenesis in Hybrid Textures of Neutrino Mass Matrix and Neutrinoless DoubleBetaDecay, PhLB, 24 , 136796. 64. Rishu Verma, Monal Kashav, Surender Verma and B. C. Chauhan (2021) Scalar Dark Matter in the A4-based Texture One-zero Neutrino Mass Model within Inverse Seesaw Mechanism, PTEP, 2021, 123B01. 65. Kostadinka Koleva, Pooja Devi, Ramesh Chandra , Reetika Joshi, Peter Duchlev, Momchil Dechev, (2022) Sympathetic Quiet and ActiveRegion Filament Eruptions , SoPh, 297 , 44. 66. M. Syed Ibrahim, Wahab Uddin, Bhuwan Joshi, Ramesh Chandra , Arun Kumar Awasthi (2021) Investigation of two coronal mass ejections from circular ribbon source region: Origin, Sun-Earth propagation and geo-effectiveness , RAA, 21 , 318. 67. Ramesh Chandra, P. Dйmoulin, P. Devi, R. Joshi, B. Schmieder (2021) Filament Eruption Driving EUV Loop Contraction then Expansion above a Stable Filament , ApJ, 922 , 227. 68. R. Joshi, B. Schmieder, P. Heinzel, J. Tomin, Ramesh Chandra, N. Vilmer (2021) Balmer continuum enhancement detected in amini flare observedwith IRIS , A&A, 654 , 31. 69. Ramesh Chandra, P. F. Chen, P. Devi, R. Joshi, B. Schmieder, Y. J. Moon, W. Uddin, (2021) Fine structures of an EUV wave event fromMulti-viewpoint observations , ApJ, 919 ,9. 70. P. Devi, J. Singh, Ramesh Chandra, R. Joshi, M. Priyal (2021) Variation of Chromospheric Features as a Function of Solar Cycles 15 – 23: Implications for Meridional Flow , SoPh, 296 , 49. 71. P. Devi, P. Dйmoulin, Ramesh Chandra, R. Joshi, B. Schmieder, and B. Joshi (2021) Observations of a prominence eruption and loop contraction , A&A, 647 , A85. 72. R. Joshi, B. Schmieder, Akiko Tei, G. Aulanier, J. Lцrinинk, Ramesh Chandra, Petr Heinzel (2021) Multi thermal atmosphere of amini solar flare duringmagnetic reconnection observedwith IRIS , A&A, 645 , A80 .. 73. Shyam Das, B. K. Parida, Ranjan Sharma (2022) Estimating tidal Love number of a class of compact stars , EPJC, 82 , 136. 74. Ksh. Newton Singh, ShyamDas , Piyali Bhar, Monsur Rahaman and Farook Rahaman (2021) Color-flavor locked compact stars: An exact solution approach , IJMPA, 36 , 2150192. 75. ShyamDas , Saibal Ray, Maxim Khlopov, K.K. Nandi, B. K. Parida (2021) Anisotropic compact stars: Constraining model parameters to account for physical features of tidal Love numbers , AnPhy, 433 , 168597. 76. Ranjan Sharma, Arpita Ghosh, Soumik Bhattacharya, Shyam Das (2021) Anisotropic generalization of Buchdahl bound for specific stellarmodels , EPJC, 81 , 527. 77. Manisha Banerjee, Sudipta Das , Abdulla Al Mamon, Subhajit Saha and Kazuharu Bamba (2021) Growth of perturbations using LambertWequation of state, IJGMMP, 18 , 2150139. 78. Priyanka Adhikary, Sudipta Das , Spyros Basilakos and Emmanuel N. Saridaki (2021) Barrow holographic dark energy in a nonflat universe, PhRvD, 104 , 123519. 2 79. P. S. Debnath & B. C. Paul (2021) Cosmological models in R gravitywith hybrid expansion law , IJGMMP, 18 , 2150143.