AR_final file_2018-19
Figure 22: Left: Line-of-sight magnetic field (panel (A) and the corresponding AIA 193 Angstrom image that is studied. The AIA image conspicuously shows that the regions contains coronal hole as well as quiet Sun, which are identified over-plotted white contours. The over plottted blue-box in panel (B) represents the FOV that was rastered with IRIS. The IRIS intensity images obtained in Mg II k2v and Mg II k3 are shown in (C) and (D). The black and blue boxes in (C) and (D) locates the QS and CH regions which are studied. Right: Line profiles of Mg II k line averaged over the QS (black) and CHs (blue) in four bins of different pixel-averaged LOS magnetic field, as labelled in each panel. The values represent the average of h B LOS i /µ in the respective bin in the units of Gauss. ( 89 )
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