AR_final file_2018-19
314. C. L. Ahmed Rizwan, A. Naveena Kumara, K.V. Rajani, Deepak Vaid, and K. M. Ajith ( 2019) Effect of dark energy in geometro-thermodynamics and phase transitions of regular Bardeen AdS black hole [arXiv: 1811.10838]. 315. Andrea Mignone, Gianluigi Bodo, Bhargav Vaidya, and Gelsomina Mattia (2018) A particle module for the PLUTO code: I - an implementation of the MHD-PIC equations, ApJ, 859, 13. 316. Bhargav Vaidya, Andrea Mignone, Gianluigi Bodo, Paola Rossi, and Silvano Massaglia (2018) A particle module for the PLUTO code: II - hybrid framework for modelling non-thermal emission from relativistic magnetized flows , ApJ, 865, 144. 317. Murli Manohar Verma, and Bal Krishna Yadav (2018) Observational role of dark matter in f(R) models for structure formation , IJMP(CS), 46, 1860045. 318. Bal Krishna Yadav, and Murli Manohar Verma (2019) Dark matter as scalaron in f(R) gravity models, JCAP (Accepted). (b) PROCEEDINGS 1. Prasad Basu (2018) Gravitational wave emission from binary mergers: Ideal versus real picture, Exploring the Universe: From Near Space to Extra-Galactic, Procds. Ap&SS 53, 39. 2. Ritaban Chatterjee (2019) Detailed time variability properties of blazars using AstroSat, Procds. 37 th Annual Meeting of the ASI, Christ Univ., Bengaluru. 3. Adam D. Myers, Michael DiPompeo, Kaustav Mitra, Ryan C. Hickox, Suchetana Chatterjee, et al. (2018) Characterizing the evolution of WISE-selected obscured and unobscured quasars using HOD models , BAAS, 232, 322.01. 4. Kaustav Mitra, Suchetana Chatterjee, Michael DiPompeo, Adam D. Myers, and Zheng Zheng (2018) Halo occupation of quasars: AGN unification from a cosmological perspective , BAPS, S16.00001. 5. M. Lacy, Suchetana Chatterjee, A. Chakraborty, B. Mason, C. Sarazin, et al. (2019) Science with an ngVLA: The Sunyaev - Zeldovich effect from quasar and starburst winds , Science with a Next- Generation VLA, ed. E. J. Murphy, ASP Mono. Series, 517, 6. Mark Lacy, Brian S. Mason, Craig Sarazin, Suchetana Chatterjee, K.E. Nyland, et al. (2019) Direct constraints on a quasar wind from observations of the Sunyaev - Zeldovich effect , BAAS, 233, 213.06. 7. Suchetana Chatterjee (2019) Diversity and inclusion in physics: Past, present and future, Procds. 37 th Annual Meeting of the ASI, Christ Univ., Bengaluru. 8. Suchetana Chatterjee (2019) Supermasive black holes and their host dark matter halos, Procds. 37 th Annual Meeting of the ASI, Christ Univ., Bengaluru. 9. Avinanda Chakraborty, and Suchetana Chatterjee (2019) Hβ emission line properties of high velocity quasars and correlation between the origin of radio emission and optical emission, Procds. 37 th Annual Meeting of the ASI, Christ Univ., Bengaluru. ( 244 )
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