Annual Report_Abridged - Second Version - FINAL

32 PUBLICATIONS BY IUCAA ACADEMICS 20. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (76) 21. Physical ReviewC (01) 22. Physical ReviewD (16) 23. Physical ReviewLetters (01) 24. Physical ReviewX (01) 25. Physics Letters A (01) 26. Science China Physics, Mechanics, and Astronomy (01) 27. Space ScienceReviews (02) 28. The Journal of OpenSource Software (01) * 29. Universe (02) *The total number of publications is , of which the impact factor value of four journals (marked with *) (06 articles) is not available. Hence, the impact factor is calculated for (173-06), i.e. 167 publications only. 173 Number of Publications: , Impact Factor: 5.19 1. AppliedPhysics Letters (01) 2. Astronomical Journal (01) 3. AstronomischeNachrichten (01) 4. Astronomy&Astrophysics (18) 5. Astrophysical Journal (21) 6. Astrophysical Journal Letters (06) 7. Astrophysical Journal Supp. Series (04) 8. Astrophysics andSpace Science (01) 9. Atom(02) 10. Boletin de la Asociacion Argentina de Astronomia La Plata Argentina (03) * 11. Classical QuantumandGravity (02) 12. EuropeanPhysical Journal H (01) 13. Experimental Astronomy (01) 14. Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy (04) 15. Journal of Cosmology (01) * 16. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (05) 17. Journal of FluidMechanics (01) 18. Journal of Physics: Conference Series (01) * 19. Machine Learning: Science and Technology (01) 173 Journal Titles/Numberofarticles