
| KHAG L | No. 117 - JANUARY 2019 | 05 The invited lectureswere given by: Barin K. Dey (Tripura University), on Periodicities in solar features or activities. Sanjeev Kalita (Gauhati University), on Some astrophysical issueswith theΛCDMuniverse. Moon Moon Devi (Tezpur University), on Cosmic rays and extensive air showers. Asoke K. Sen (Assam University), on Results from some recent cometary spacemissions and ground-based studies. Monmoyuri Baruah (Assam Don Bosco University), on Study of the absorption edge of luminous supersoft X-ray sources. Gaz i Ameen Ahmed (Tezpur Un i ve r s i t y ) , on Computational modelling of analogues of non-spherical interstellar dust for light scattering studies. Biman J. Medhi (Gauhati University), on Astronomical polarimetry: Optical andNIRapproach. l l l l l l l The North-East Meet of Astronomers (NEMA - 4) was held at the Bipin Chandra Pal Seminar Hall of the Assam University, Silchar, during November 26 - 28, 2018. This meeting was organized by the Department of Physics, Assam University, in collaborationwith IUCAA. After the felicitation of the dignitaries, the lamp lighting ceremonywas held alongwith an inaugural song by the post-graduate students of the Department of Physics. The abstract of NEMA- 4 was unveiled by the dignitaries on the stage after the welcome address. The keynote address was given by Somak Raychaudhury (Director, IUCAA), on Astrophysics in India: Past, present and future. North-East Meet of Astronomers (NEMA-4) l l l l Umananda Dev Goswami (Dibrugarh University), on Gravitational waves:Awindowon to theUniverse. Pralay Kumar Karmakar (Tezpur University), on Dynamics of nucleus-acousticwaves. A. Senorita Devi (Assam University), on A detailed survey on the variousmodels of ultra-luminous X-ray sources. Rupjyoti Gogoi (Tezpur University), on Investigating interstellar dust grains through correlation studies.