Khagol_113_January 2018
| KHAG L | No. 113 - JANUARY 2018 | 04 Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) are truly multi-wavelength objects. A long quest of AGN studies has been to measure the Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) and variability of AGN in different bands. The Indian multi-wavelength satellite AstroSat with broadband spectral coverage from Optical/UV to hard X-rays is observing bright AGN, and making significant contribution to AGN physics. An International Workshop on AstroSat View of AGN Central Engineswas organised at IUCAAduringDecember 18 - 21, 2017. The workshop gathered experts in AGN physics and AstroSat. Nearly 70 participants, including 15 from outside India, and 12 from Indian Universities attended the workshop. There were a total of 42 talks, including 10 review talks, which dealt with the current status of International Workshop on AstroSat View of AGN Central Engines Professor K.S.V.S. Narasimhan was a frequent visitor at IUCAA. He had deep interests in Astronomy and Astrophysics and taught Mathematics and Statistics for three decades at The New College in Chennai. After his sad demise, his family has left a generous endowment for deserving students to help themembark on a research career and in thisway contribute to the field he loved somuch. Applications are invited for the Professor K.S.V.S. Narasimhan Memorial Award from an Indian University student for financial support to attend International Astronomy meetings. The support will be limited to about Rs.70,000/- towards international travel/accommodation and/or registration fee. The student should have an invitation to either speak or give a poster presentation at the meeting, and be registered for a Ph.D. inAstronomy andAstrophysics (or related areas) with an IndianUniversity. The application should consist of: (i) Bio-data with communication e-mail address, (ii) Proof of acceptance of presentation, (iii) Abstract of the talk/paper/poster to be presented, (iv) Estimate of the total cost, (v) Other sources of funding, if any, and (vi) A letter of recommendation from the Ph.D. thesis supervisor. Applications will be considered twice a year with deadlines March 31, and June 30, and should be sent by e-mail to TheAdministrativeOfficer (Core Programmes), IUCAA ( ). Professor K.S.V.S. Narasimhan Memorial Award
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