Khagol 118

| KHAG L | No. 118 - APRIL 2019 | 06 National Science Day The celebrations of National Science Day on February 28, 2019 attracted numerous groups of students along with teachers, parents and general public, who came from around Pune and other parts of Maharashtra. On this National Science Day, around 10,000 people visited IUCAA in the day session, and a whopping 2,000 odd people attended the sky watching at night. This shows the hunger of people to associate better with Science and Scientists. The main campus of the Centre was adorned by the scale- models of different Astronomy and Astrophysics projects of public interest like, LIGO-India, Thirty Metre Telescope, Aditya L1, and AstroSat. A number of spectacular posters designed and presented enthusiastically by research scholars of IUCAA were displayed, which made the people aware of the on-going research and new developments in the subject. Apart from these, the Foucault pendulum, the statues of great scientists on the campus, short interactive sessions on 100 years of testing General Relativity, demonstrations of Laser Interferometry and Gravitational Waves, Spectroscopy and Raman Effect, and RadioAstronomy pulled a large number of people. Short talks on How do we study the Large Scale Structures in the Universe?, Vividh Prakashatun Vishwa Pahtana, The Cosmic Recipe: Constituents of our Universe, Radio Waves and Active Galactic Nuclei in the Universe, and Sitaron ka