30th Annual Report 2017-18
244 (c) BOOKS (d) SUPERVISION OF Ph.D. THESES 1. Suresh Chandra and Mohit Kumar Sharma (2018) Textbook of Optics, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, ISBN 978-9386761569. 2. Deepak Vaid and Sundance Bilson-Thompson (2017) LQG for the Bewildered, Springer Nature, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-43184-0. Asis Kumar Chattopadhyay Title: On growth curve analysis and related statistical problems incorporating biological and ecological issues, University of Calcutta, Kolkata. Student: Bratati Chakraborty Himadri Sekhar Das Title: Study of optical properties of cosmic dust by numerical simulations and observations, Assam University, Silchar . Student:ArindwamChakraborty Title: Comprehensive dust model to describe the polarization properties of comet, AssamUniversity, Silchar . Student: ParizathDeb Roy Title: Photopolarimetric study of some selected dark clouds, AssamUniversity, Silchar . Student:ArupDas Title: Photometric and polarimetric studies of some selected dark clouds, AssamUniversity, Silchar . Student:Ajoy Barman Title: A theoretical study of double layers and sheaths in various plasma configurations, AssamUniversity, Silchar . Student: Jaydeep Paul Ujjal Debnath Title: Study of various aspects of dark energy in accelerating universe, Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur. Student: Sayani Maity Ujjal Debnath ( jointlywith Surajit Chattopadhyay) Title: Exploration of the various aspects of modified gravity approach to the accelerated expansion of the universe, Indian Institute of Engineering Science andTechnology, Shibpur. Student: Rahul Ghosh
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