30th Annual Report 2017-18
162 The Cosmic Ray Muon detector (CRMD) is a particle detector, which can detect and observe products of cosmic ray particles, which were created and accelerated by very violent mechanisms in the Universe. The CRMD at IUCAARadio Physics Lab is one of its kind, and was built in 2011 by Bachelor Level students. It is the only detector of its type running in entire Asia. The material to build the detector was imported fromFermi Lab (USA). This detector is used to take readings of constant muon flux and determine mean muon lifetime. It is quite a rich experiment as it enables students to not only study astroparticle physics but also quite a lot about nuclear and particle physics in general. Mean muon lifetime also serves as a test for Einstein's special theory of relativity. Since 2012, the detector has been used for experiments in Savitribai Phule Pune University, M.ScAstronomy andAstrophysics specialization course as well in RadioAstronomyWinter School. OtherExperiments Many small experiments are done in the lab. Noise figure measurement of radio frequency amplifiers. Solar observations are taken at 10 GHz with a satellite TV dish antenna. This is a low cost and easily available radio telescope set up. Antenna radiation pattern measurement. Cosmic Ray Muon Detector
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