30th Annual Report 2017-18

152 The service has been demonstrated to experts from several other such centres and has received a positive reception. The system will likely service as amodel that other existing as well as future data centres may adopt. Under this project, a 120 TB storage facility was also setup at IUCAA. Part of this facility has been used to host the large catalogue services known as Vizier created by the CDS. The server also hosts an event management system specially created for the Scipop team at IUCAA to enable management of requests for popular talks to be delivered in the city and across India. This system was recently deployed and is expected to play an important role in helping the Scipop team to handle coordination between IUCAA and target institutes where popular talks and lectures will be delivered. The server also hosts a web interface to a neural network capable of classifying galaxies into barred and unbarredmorphological types (this networkwas developed by SheeluAbraham , et al.) Assistance was also provided by the team at IUCAA to the Regional Centre of Biotechnology in constructing a data archive for their upcoming large datasets. Work is underway to find economical solutions to design petabyte scale data centres for the three major data intensive disciplines ofAstronomy, Biology and Earth Sciences. Future plans also include a data resources management system for the instrumentation lab as well as data management and natural language mining interfaces for the IAU Office of Astronomy for Development (OAD). ANNUAL REPORT 2017-18 30 th IUCAA High Performance Computing clusters Perseus (left two racks) and Sarathi