30th Annual Report 2017-18

151 DataDriven Initiatives inAstronomy andBiology This project is funded by the National Knowledge Network (NKN), under the ministry of Electronics and Information Technology of the Government of India to enable exploration of solutions for big data management, archiving and serving in the fields of Astronomy and Biology. The emphasis is to try and explore / adapt data management solutions for data arising in these two highly data intensive fields. As a part of this project, the team at IUCAA helped the Kodaikanal Solar Observatory (KSO) to construct a highly modern and sophisticated data search and download facility at http://kso.iiap.res.in/ and it makes available a very valuable set of data collected by this observatory over a period of more than 100 years (since 1904). In order to further enhance the visibility of the data, a low level web service compliant with the Virtual Solar Observatory (VSO) standards has also been created. This service will be integrated soon into the VSO, allowing serendipitious discovery of digitized data set being served through the above link. The site was launched in February 2018 at the IAU symposiumon LongTermSolar Datasets concluded recently at Jaipur, Rajasthan. The team at IUCAAhas also deployed the metadata archive at theAstroSat CZTI Payload Operation Centre (POC) located at IUCAA. This service keeps track of processing parameters of all the Level 1 and Level 2 data processing happening at the centre, and presents a web interface to enable quick querying of all available data as well as to package and deliver the data to the analyst working at the POC. IUCAA High Performance Computing Data Centre. FACILITIES AT IUCAA