30th Annual Report 2017-18
117 Nobel prize in physics - 2017: Gravitational waves , SERB School on Non-linear Dynamics, Department of Mathematics, Savitribai Phule Pune University, January 8, 2018 (Invited). Girjesh Gupta Role of waves and small-scale transients in the heating of solar corona , IPR, Gandhinagar, May 4, 2017 . Solar physics , Refresher Course inAstronomy andAstrophysics (for College and University Teachers), and Vacation Students' Programme, IUCAA, June 15, 2017. Role of MHDwaves in the heating of solar atmosphere , Udaipur Solar Observatory, June 21, 2017 . Role of magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) waves in the heating of solar coronal plasma, Plasma Science Society of India,Annual Conference, Gandhinagar, November 7 - 10, 2017. Observations and modelling of heating and cooling of a coronal loop associated with active region transient brightenings, Dynamic Sun II, SiemReap,AngkorWat, Cambodia, February 12 - 16 , 2018. Neeraj Gupta Infrared colour selected sample of quasars forMALS , SALTScienceMeeting, Poland, June 9, 2017. An update from the uGMRT and MeerKAT absorption line surveys , International Workshop on HI Absorption, ASTRON, Dwingeloo, Netherlands, June 15, 2017. Exploring radio sky using polarization, 3rd Indo-French Astronomy School on Spectroscopy and Polarimetry, IUCAA,August 4, 2017. Lectures on spectral line analysis in radio astronomy , RadioAstronomy School, NCRA, Pune,August 30, 2017. TheMeerKAT absorption line survey , SKAData ScienceWorkshop, CapeTown, SouthAfrica, November 22, 2017. Evolution of cold gas in galaxies: The MeerKAT absorption line survey , International Workshop on QSOAbsorption Lines, IUCAA, December 14, 2017. HI studies of galaxies, and ARTIP: Automated radio telescope imaging pipeline , Franco-Indian Astronomy School, IUCAA, February 16, 2018. Ranjan Gupta Optical facilities of IUCAA (IGO + SALT + Guest Observing Programme), IUCAAAcademic Retreat, Panchgani, April 7, 2017. Archeo-astronomy in Indian context, Astro-ArcheologyMeeting, NIAS, Bengaluru , May 12, 2017. Polarimetry basics and spectroscopy and modelling of polarimetric observations , 3rd Indo-French Astronomy School on Spectroscopy and Polarimetry, IUCAA, July 31 toAugust 8, 2017.
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